I'll post all of my practice projects here, which will mostly consist of games. My objective is to learn more about coding while also creating functional programs that I'll be able to use later on. I'll also improve upon past code in order to make them shorter and more efficient.
10/04/2019 - Body Mass Index Calculator (Python)
The purpose of this code was to get familiar with Python. I'm no nutrionist, so don't count on the results being medically sound.
11/03/2020 - Overlord (Python)
I made a similar-themed game in Java while I took an introductory programming course. I'm making a different sort of game with the same mechanics, except with Python. The objective is to create a game where a user takes command of a small military cell which they can improve over time. I'm hoping to implement a 'save' system so that users can save their progress and load previous sessions.
08/04/2020 - Blackjack (Python)
A coded version of the popular card game known as 'Blackjack'.
03/10/2020 - Hangman (Python)
A classic game of hangman transformed into code. I plan on adding more features to it, such as being able to guess the word or pulling random words from a text file. For now, the user will input a custom word or phrase and have someone else guess the word letter by letter.
03/09/2020 - Tic Tac Toe w/ Difficulties (Python)
The code's pretty inefficient, but the objective is to create a program that would give the user a choice between easy, medium, and hard difficulties when playing a game of tic tac toe. Users will use their keyboard to play the game and the code will loop until the user wants to stop, at which point the code will display the overall stats of the game.
03/17/2020 - Character Profile Generator (Python)
Similar to the Character Profile Creator program, this program instead automatically generates character information, but it'll still allow users to make edits afterwards.
03/17/2020 - Character Profile Creator (Python)
This program allows the user to create, review, and edit a character profile. It should be useful for creating basic character profiles for books or stories.
02/01/2023 - Death Stranding Materials Batcher.py
Script that returns the amounts of various batches for any given material for the game Death Stranding.
08/22/2020 - Morse Code Processor.py (Python)
This program allows users to either encode plaintext into morse code or vice versa.
08/04/2020 - Anime Planet Anime Export Processor.py (Python)
The purpose of this program is to process all of the anime from a JSON file into a neat and organized text file.
08/04/2020 - Anime Planet Manga Export Processor.py (Python)
The purpose of this program is to process all of the manga from a JSON file into a neat and organized text file.