A Chrome extension that acts as a bot for Skype, a work in progress.
This is a work in progress, it's still buggy and inefficient.
You can basically ignore everything in this disclaimer if you use basic_skypebot_extension.
Just make sure to set the login info inside of config.js.
(11/07/2015)The first Skypebot is now discontinued
It's recommended that you use the basic one.
The bot should still work without the configuration below, just less features.
You may need to visit your https server/local url in your web browser to create a certificate.
You don't need to have two seperate nodejs servers, it's just what I did to cut down on my web server usage.
Setting up the SkypeBot
Basic Setup
Step 1: Go to the extensions management page.
Step 2:Enable developer mode.
Step 3:Load an unpackaged extension, choose the skypebot_extension folder.
Step 3 (Optional):Instead load the basic_skypebot_extension folder.
You can use the extension without any configuration or external scripts then.
Step 4: Enable incognito mode for the extension.
Step 5: Go to web.skype.com, the bot will login and start up automatically as long as
the login info inside of config.js is configured. By default it's set to a throwaway account.
Step 5 (Outdated):Open a new Chrome incognito tab and login into web.skype.com.
Once everything is loaded, press the user icon to the right of your url input.
You should see the console, set the main conversation with set-config-value main-conversation [name-here].
Step 6 (Optional):Run the php/queries.sql on your database if using the external scripts.
Basic Usage
Your commands should follow the command-prefix configuration text, by default it's !skypebot.
Some commands that may be useful are commands, command-help, and config-value-help.
For example, if the command-prefix was !skypebot, you'd do !skypebot commands in chat.
When using commands directly in the console, you don't need the prefix.
Node Modules
- Steam ( npm install steam )
- irc ( npm install irc )
- socket.io ( npm install socket.io )
- lua.vm.js ( https://github.com/kripken/lua.vm.js )
You will need to compile Lua or get binaries.
- Server Key ( the key inside of the .php files )
- Server Address ( the socket ip )
- Local Address ( the socket ip )
- Web Server URL ( the url with the php scripts )
- Cleverbot API User ( cleverbot.io )
- Cleverbot API Password
- Mashape API Key ( market.mashape.com )
- Youtube API Key
- Server Key
- Server Key
- Database Host
- Database User
- Database Password
- Database Schema
- Steam API Key
- Steam Username
- Steam Password
- Twitch Username
- Twitch OAuth Password
- Server Key
- Server URL ( with the php scripts on it )