Tracky.js: A tracking tool/implementation to track user behaviour on your website.
A tracking tool to track your user behaviour on your website. You can present the data yourself in your own admin panel.
A roulette game where users can join a gameroom and play roulette together. With a chat to chat together.
A document editor to collab with your friends/colleagues. Similiar to google docs.
Tracky.js gives you insights in your user's behaviour on your website. Based on these insights you can improve your website and generate more sales! This library tracks your visitors visits, page visits, add to carts, location, and go so on. With a interactive map you can view where your users come from.
- Track (amount of) live visitor
- Track visited pages per visitor
- Show admin amount of live visitors
- Show admin the visited pages per visitor
- Visitors can view products
- Visitors can add product to cart
- Admin can see live carts
- Get location of visitor through IP address
- View location of visitors in admin page on a interactive map
M - Must haves
- Track (amount of) live visitor
- Track visited pages per visitor
- Show admin amount of live visitors
- Show admin the visited pages per visitor
S - Should haves
- Visitors can view products
- Visitors can add product to cart
- Admin can see live carts
- Get location of visitor through IP address
- View location of visitors in admin page on a interactive map
C - Could haves
- Remove products from cart
- Admin can see total cart values
- View user data on the interactive map with a tooltip
- Visitors could visit checkout page and fill in details
- Admin could see what visitors are filling in at the checkout
- An implementation(as library) so other website owners can track their users aswell
- User data saved in firestores databases
W - Won't haves
- Documentation on how to use library/tool
- Different tracking segments splitted in different functions
- As addition a public domain for website owners to log onto a standard dashboard and see their analytics
- Maybe a tool to pair Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to exchange data
- Visitor connects to website
- alert admin that there is a new live user
- Visitor visits page
- update users "database"
- alert admin of new events
- update users "database"
- Visitor adds product to cart
- update users "database"
- alert admin of new events
- update users "database"
To get all the different Dutch cities I downloaded a Netherlands Townships GeoJSON from
To show a interactive live map I use leaflet.js. It's very simple to set up a map:
const liveMap ="liveMap", {zoomControl: true}).setView([lat, lng], 5);
L.tileLayer(apiMapboxUrlRaster, {
id: "mapbox/light-v9",
tileSize: 512,
zoomOffset: -1,
accessToken: mapboxAccessToken
After this I lay the dutch cities over the map:
import { netherlandsTownshipsGeoJSON } from "./utils/netherlandsTownships.js";
let geojson = L.geoJson(netherlandsTownshipsGeoJSON, {style: getGeoStyle}).addTo(liveMap);
The external API I use is the OpenCage Geocoding API. This API will help to show the visitors location on the map. Through IP address I try to get the visitors location, but not always the location comes with a city name. So with OpenCage I can search on coordinates to get a city name. I compare this city name with the Netherlands Townships GeoJSON.
async function getCityname({lat, lng}) {
const data = await fetch(`${lat}+${lng}`).then(res => res.ok ? res.json() : "");
const city = data.results[0];
return city;
Before we can get started, we'll need to clone this repo. This can be done by typing the following line of code into your terminal:
git clone
Next, we will have to install the used packages.
npm install
This can be done by typing the following line of code into your terminal:
npm run dev
Almost done! We just need to navigate to the localhost in the browser.
- Netherlands Townships GeoJSON from
- leaflet.js
- OpenCage Geocoding API