Addon for World of Warcraft (3.3.5) - Collection of modules with various functionality
This addon is using a modular approach to organizing its features.
Modules can be found in Athenaeum/modules
You can list available modules in-game using /at list
All modules are disabled by default and enabled state is not persisted across sessions.
However, this can be changed by setting isPreserved property to true at Config.PropertyEnabled table in Athenaeum/core/config.lua
In order to toggle module in-game use /at module [name]
A user-interface for the .morph command that changes the model of the selected entity. You can quickly change and preview modules in-game.
Left clicking on buttons changes model ID by one, right-clicking by 10, this can be changed in the configuration using /at config morph step [value]
and /at config morph jump [value]
To enable/disable this module use /at module morph
To list configuration properties of this module use /at config morph
A user-interface for the .gps command that shows the on-screen overlay with selected entity coordinates and orientation.
Refresh interval is 3 seconds by default, use /at config refresh [value]
command to change it.
What property is visible in the overlay can be set using /at config show-[property] [true/false]
Coordinates rounding accuracy can be changed using /at config accuracy [value]
To enable/disable this module use /at module gps
To list configuration properties of this module use /at config gps
Most modules have properties that can be changed in-game using configuration commands.
To list configuration properties of all modules use /at config
command, to list properties of given module use /at config [module]
Properties can be set by using /at config [module] [property] [value]
Any property can be reset to default value by /at config [module] [property] default