The network architecture in this project is based on the original U-Net publication U-Net: ConvolutionalNetworks for Biomedical Image Segmentation. The codes in this repo are mainly developed in Python and GoogleColab.
The U-Net architecture of this project consists of an encoder and a decoder part that together givethe network an U-shaped form. The encoder part follows a traditional architecture of aconvolutional network. Each layer consists of a repeated 3x3 padded double convolutions, followed by batch normalization and a rectifier linear units (ReLU) activation. The output feature map is stored as a skip connection which will later be concatenated to the decoder part. Moving downwardsthrough the network, a down sampling is performed by a 2x2 max pooling operation with a stride of2, which doubles the number of feature channels.
- Python 3.9.1
- PyTorch 1.8.1
- CUDA toolkit 10.2
- Albumentations
- Optimiser Comparison - SGD vs Adam
- Loss Comparison - Binary Cross-Entropy(BCE) Loss vs Dice Loss vs BCE + Dice
In this project, it was found that Adam optimiser with Binary Cross-Entropy Loss produce the best test result.
- Chieh-Ju Wu (Jeremy) - [email protected]
- Fredrik Mazur - [email protected]
- Niclas Määttä - [email protected]
- Daniel Grönås - [email protected]