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refactor the strategy API to expose the single invocation run method
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Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Moiseenko <[email protected]>
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eupp committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 1969a53 commit 8ee4a03
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Showing 10 changed files with 255 additions and 153 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ abstract class CTestConfiguration(
) {
abstract fun createStrategy(
testClass: Class<*>, scenario: ExecutionScenario, validationFunction: Actor?,
stateRepresentationMethod: Method?, verifier: Verifier
stateRepresentationMethod: Method?
): Strategy

companion object {
Expand Down
126 changes: 73 additions & 53 deletions src/jvm/main/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/lincheck/LinChecker.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.annotations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.execution.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.verifier.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.managed.modelchecking.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.stress.*
import kotlin.reflect.*

* This class runs concurrent tests.
class LinChecker (private val testClass: Class<*>, options: Options<*, *>?) {
class LinChecker(private val testClass: Class<*>, options: Options<*, *>?) {
private val testStructure = CTestStructure.getFromTestClass(testClass)
private val testConfigurations: List<CTestConfiguration>
private val reporter: Reporter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,80 +52,65 @@ class LinChecker (private val testClass: Class<*>, options: Options<*, *>?) {
check(testConfigurations.isNotEmpty()) { "No Lincheck test configuration to run" }
for (testCfg in testConfigurations) {
val failure = testCfg.checkImpl()
if (failure != null) return failure
if (failure != null)
return failure
return null

private fun CTestConfiguration.checkImpl(): LincheckFailure? {
val exGen = createExecutionGenerator(testStructure.randomProvider)
for (i in customScenarios.indices) {
val verifier = createVerifier()
val scenario = customScenarios[i]
reporter.logIteration(i + 1, customScenarios.size, scenario)
val failure =, verifier)
if (failure != null) return failure
var verifier = createVerifier()
repeat(iterations) { i ->
val generator = createExecutionGenerator(testStructure.randomProvider)
val randomScenarios = generateSequence {
generator.nextExecution().also {
// reset the parameter generator ranges to start with the same initial bounds for each scenario.
testStructure.parameterGenerators.forEach { it.reset() }
val scenarios = customScenarios.asSequence() + randomScenarios.take(iterations)
val scenariosSize = customScenarios.size + iterations
scenarios.forEachIndexed { i, scenario ->
val isCustomScenario = (i < customScenarios.size)
// For performance reasons, verifier re-uses LTS from previous iterations.
// This behaviour is similar to a memory leak and can potentially cause OutOfMemoryError.
// This behavior is similar to a memory leak and can potentially cause OutOfMemoryError.
// This is why we periodically create a new verifier to still have increased performance
// from re-using LTS and limit the size of potential memory leak.
if ((i + 1) % VERIFIER_REFRESH_CYCLE == 0)
verifier = createVerifier()
val scenario = exGen.nextExecution()
reporter.logIteration(i + 1 + customScenarios.size, iterations, scenario)
val failure =, verifier)
if (failure != null) {
val minimizedFailedIteration = if (!minimizeFailedScenario) failure else failure.minimize(this)
return minimizedFailedIteration
// Reset the parameter generator ranges to start with the same initial bounds on each scenario generation.
testStructure.parameterGenerators.forEach { it.reset() }
return null

// Tries to minimize the specified failing scenario to make the error easier to understand.
// The algorithm is greedy: it tries to remove one actor from the scenario and checks
// whether a test with the modified one fails with error as well. If it fails,
// then the scenario has been successfully minimized, and the algorithm tries to minimize it again, recursively.
// Otherwise, if no actor can be removed so that the generated test fails, the minimization is completed.
// Thus, the algorithm works in the linear time of the total number of actors.
private fun LincheckFailure.minimize(testCfg: CTestConfiguration): LincheckFailure {
var minimizedFailure = this
while (true) {
minimizedFailure = minimizedFailure.scenario.tryMinimize(testCfg) ?: break
return minimizedFailure

private fun ExecutionScenario.tryMinimize(testCfg: CTestConfiguration): LincheckFailure? {
// Reversed indices to avoid conflicts with in-loop removals
for (i in threads.indices.reversed()) {
for (j in threads[i].indices.reversed()) {
tryMinimize(i, j)
?.run(testCfg, testCfg.createVerifier())
?.let { return it }
reporter.logIteration(i + 1, scenariosSize, scenario)
var failure =, this, verifier)
if (failure == null)
if (minimizeFailedScenario && !isCustomScenario) {
var j = i + 1
failure = failure.minimize { minimizedScenario ->, this, createVerifier())
return failure
return null

private fun CTestConfiguration, verifier: Verifier): LincheckFailure? =
private fun
iteration: Int,
testCfg: CTestConfiguration,
verifier: Verifier,
): LincheckFailure? {
val strategy = testCfg.createStrategy(
testClass = testClass,
scenario = this,
validationFunction = testStructure.validationFunction,
stateRepresentationMethod = testStructure.stateRepresentation,
verifier = verifier
return strategy.use {
it.runIteration(iteration, testCfg.invocationsPerIteration, verifier)

private fun CTestConfiguration.createVerifier() =
Expand All @@ -135,6 +122,12 @@ class LinChecker (private val testClass: Class<*>, options: Options<*, *>?) {
).newInstance(this, testStructure, randomProvider)

private val CTestConfiguration.invocationsPerIteration get() = when (this) {
is ModelCheckingCTestConfiguration -> this.invocationsPerIteration
is StressCTestConfiguration -> this.invocationsPerIteration
else -> error("unexpected")

// This companion object is used for backwards compatibility.
companion object {
Expand All @@ -153,6 +146,33 @@ class LinChecker (private val testClass: Class<*>, options: Options<*, *>?) {

// Tries to minimize the specified failing scenario to make the error easier to understand.
// The algorithm is greedy: it tries to remove one actor from the scenario and checks
// whether a test with the modified one fails with error as well. If it fails,
// then the scenario has been successfully minimized, and the algorithm tries to minimize it again, recursively.
// Otherwise, if no actor can be removed so that the generated test fails, the minimization is completed.
// Thus, the algorithm works in the linear time of the total number of actors.
private fun LincheckFailure.minimize(checkScenario: (ExecutionScenario) -> LincheckFailure?): LincheckFailure {
var minimizedFailure = this
while (true) {
minimizedFailure = minimizedFailure.scenario.tryMinimize(checkScenario)
?: break
return minimizedFailure

private fun ExecutionScenario.tryMinimize(checkScenario: (ExecutionScenario) -> LincheckFailure?): LincheckFailure? {
// Reversed indices to avoid conflicts with in-loop removals
for (i in threads.indices.reversed()) {
for (j in threads[i].indices.reversed()) {
tryMinimize(i, j)
?.let { return it }
return null

* This is a short-cut for the following code:
Expand Down
123 changes: 119 additions & 4 deletions src/jvm/main/org/jetbrains/kotlinx/lincheck/strategy/Strategy.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy

import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.runner.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.execution.ExecutionScenario
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.runner.ExecutionPart
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.managed.Trace
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.verifier.Verifier
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor

* Implementation of this class describes how to run the generated execution.
Expand All @@ -22,18 +25,130 @@ import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor
abstract class Strategy protected constructor(
val scenario: ExecutionScenario
) {
) : Closeable {
* Determines if the strategy requires bytecode transformation.
* @return `true` if a transformation is needed, `false` otherwise.
open fun needsTransformation() = false

* Creates a bytecode transformer required by the strategy..
* @param cv the [ClassVisitor] to create a transformer for.
* @return a [ClassVisitor] representing the transformer.
open fun createTransformer(cv: ClassVisitor): ClassVisitor {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("$javaClass strategy does not transform classes")

abstract fun run(): LincheckFailure?
* Sets the internal state of strategy to run the next invocation.
* @return true if there is next invocation to run, false if all invocations have been studied.
open fun nextInvocation(): Boolean = true

* Initializes the invocation.
* Should be called before each call to [runInvocation].
open fun initializeInvocation() {}

* Runs the current invocation and returns its result.
* Should be called after [initializeInvocation] and only if previous call to [nextInvocation] returned `true`:
* ```kotlin
* with(strategy) {
* if (nextInvocation()) {
* initializeInvocation()
* runInvocation()
* }
* }
* ```
* For deterministic strategies, consecutive calls to [runInvocation]
* (without intervening [nextInvocation] calls)
* should run the same invocation, leading to the same results.
* @return the result of the invocation run.
abstract fun runInvocation(): InvocationResult

* Tries to construct the trace leading to the given invocation result.
* @param result The invocation result.
* @return The collected trace, or null if it was not possible to collect the trace.
open fun tryCollectTrace(result: InvocationResult): Trace? = null

* This method is called before the execution of a specific scenario part.
* @param part The execution part that is about to be executed.
open fun beforePart(part: ExecutionPart) {}

* Is invoked before each actor execution.
* This method is called before each actor execution.
* @param iThread the thread index on which the actor is starting
open fun onActorStart(iThread: Int) {}

* Closes the strategy and releases any resources associated with it.
override fun close() {}

* Runs one Lincheck's test iteration with the given strategy and verifier.
* @param iteration the id of the iteration.
* @param invocationsBound number of invocations to run.
* @param verifier the verifier to be used.
* @return the failure, if detected, null otherwise.
fun Strategy.runIteration(iteration: Int, invocationsBound: Int, verifier: Verifier): LincheckFailure? {
var spinning = false
for (invocation in 0 until invocationsBound) {
if (!(spinning || nextInvocation()))
return null
spinning = false
val failure = run {
val result = runInvocation()
spinning = (result is SpinCycleFoundAndReplayRequired)
if (!spinning)
verify(result, verifier)
else null
if (failure != null)
return failure
return null

* Verifies the results of the given invocation.
* Attempts to collect the trace in case of incorrect results.
* @param result invocation result to verify.
* @param verifier the verifier to be used.
* @return failure, if invocation results are incorrect, null otherwise.
fun Strategy.verify(result: InvocationResult, verifier: Verifier): LincheckFailure? = when (result) {
is CompletedInvocationResult ->
if (!verifier.verifyResults(scenario, result.results)) {
IncorrectResultsFailure(scenario, result.results, tryCollectTrace(result))
} else null
else ->
result.toLincheckFailure(scenario, tryCollectTrace(result))

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