I specialize in the use of Python, C++ and Fortran Programming Languages for high performance computing for scientific and general pruposes. I'm currently interesed in AI applied for cosmological and astrophysical simulation.
I work in General Relativity, Black Holes and Cosmology at a theoretical approach.
I also have some works on quantum computing, videogames and mechanical statistic applied on computing problems as the Conway's game of life.
Currently i'm doing the Master in High Performance Computing, a join program between SISSA & ICTP.
Programing lenguages
Other technologies
- Full ICTP scholarship for the Master in High Performance computing (2024).
- Tird place at QColombia Quantum Fall Fest 2022 of IBM: Quantum Computing competence of IBM 2022. Project name: "Random Graphs using Quantum Computing".
- Get the physicist grade: It's for me a dream made true.
- Being enrolled in the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers PhysicsLatam advanced lectures on theoretical physics in the General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory courses.
- Being part of the RECA mentorship program 2023 as a mentored.
- Cosmology
- Black Holes
- Theoretical Physics
- Computational physics
- Cosmological and astrophysics simulations
- Artificial intelligence
- Gravitational Waves
Credits: Nneji123