For pair read:
IRMA <RSV0-config> <R1.fastq.gz/R1.fastq> <R2.fastq.gz/R2.fastq> <sample_name>
For single read:
IRMA <RSV0-config> <fastq/fastq.gz> <sample_name>
IRMA <RSV1-config> <fastq/fastq.gz> <sample_name_RSV1>
IRMA <RSV2-config> <fastq/fastq.gz> <sample_name_RSV2>
Assembly RSV sequence read with pseudo-segments instead of WGS can fix some low QC reads Two RSV module: RSV-SHGF library and RSV-without SHGF library are created due the interest of RSV cell surface genomes.
RSV IRMA output directoryies, .sh, reference directory, java screipts need to be moved under a same directory IRMA output from different libraries need to be labeled as _"RSV1" and _"RSV2"
On Local
Gene alignment tool MAFFT need to be installed under ./src
## Compile the java
javac ./
sh >> comb.log
On Server
## Add module load MAFFT in shell script
javac ./
sh >> gacrc_comb.log
Step1: .sh will check the exists of IRMA output _RSV1 and _RSV2 directories and amended_consensus sub directories.
Step2: The ORF of different gene regions are searched by allignment with reference sequence considering the possible issue at the intergenic regions.
Step3: Different gene regions from IRMA consensus read are nested together.
Step4: Alignment with reference sequence file is also generated.
Step5: sum.txt be created contain the genotype and length information for all RSV samples under the directory; Recommend to generate comb.log to double check if all samples have been processed correctly.