This package provides an adapter for the Fixstars Amplify SDK from/to OMMX.
The ommx-fixstars-amplify-adapter
can be installed from PyPI as follows:
pip install ommx-fixstars-amplify-adapter
The ommx-fixstars-amplify-adapter
allows problems formulated in OMMX to be solved in Fixstars Amplify.
participant U as User
participant A as Adapter
participant P as Fixstars Amplify
U->>A: ommx.v1.Instance
A->>U: amplify.Model
U->>P: amplify.Model and parameters for solvers;
P->>P: Solve with Fixstars Amplify
P->>U: amplify.Result
U->>A: amplify.Result and variable_map
A->>U: ommx:State
For example, the following problem formulated in OMMX can be solved using Fixstars Amplify.
import amplify
from ommx.v1 import Instance, DecisionVariable
from ommx_fixstars_amplify_adapter import OMMXFixstarsAmplifyAdapter
q_0 = DecisionVariable.binary(id=0, name="q_0")
q_1 = DecisionVariable.binary(id=1, name="q_1")
ommx_instance = Instance.from_components(
decision_variables=[q_0, q_1],
objective=q_0 * q_1 + q_0 - q_1 + 1,
constraints=[q_0 + q_1 == 1],
solution = OMMXFixstarsAmplifyAdapter.solve(ommx_instance, amplify_token=token)
The ommx-fixstars-amplify-adapter
allows problems formulated in Fixstars Amplify SDK to be solved in other solvers.
participant U as User
participant A as Adapter
participant O as Other OMMX toolchain
U->>A: amplify.Model
A->>U: ommx.v1.Instance
U->>O: ommx.v1.Instance and parameters for other solver
O->>O: Solve the instance with other solver using other adapter
O->>U: ommx.v1.State
For example, the following mixed integer programming problem formulated in Fixstars Amplify SDK can be solved using PythonMIP.
import amplify
from ommx_fixstars_amplify_adapter import model_to_instance
from ommx_python_mip_adapter import OMMXPythonMIPAdapter
UPPER = float("inf")
LOWER = 0.0
gen = amplify.VariableGenerator()
x = gen.scalar("Integer", bounds=(LOWER, UPPER), name="x")
y = gen.scalar("Real", bounds=(LOWER, UPPER), name="y")
model = amplify.Model()
model += -10 * x - y
model += amplify.less_equal(x, 1)
model += amplify.less_equal(20 * x + y, 100)
ommx_instance = model_to_instance(model)
solution = OMMXPythoMIPAdapter.solve(ommx_instance)
Currently, the model_to_instance
function does not support Ising variables. Therefore, if your model contains Ising variables, you must convert them to binary variables. The following function can be used for this conversion.
import typing
import amplify
def ising_to_binary(
model: amplify.Model
) -> typing.Tuple[amplify.Model, amplify.Result.ModelConversion.IntermediateMapping]:
ising_to_binary_settings = {
amplify.VariableType.Binary: amplify.Degree.HighOrder,
amplify.VariableType.Ising: amplify.Degree.Zero,
amplify.VariableType.Integer: amplify.Degree.HighOrder,
amplify.VariableType.Real: amplify.Degree.HighOrder,
return model.to_intermediate_model(
objective=ising_to_binary_settings, # type: ignore
equality_constraints=ising_to_binary_settings, # type: ignore
inequality_constraints=ising_to_binary_settings, # type: ignore
The packages required for development can be installed as follows:
pip install ".[dev]"
Use the following commands to test, lint and format.
python -m pytest
python -m ruff check
python -m ruff format