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Joald committed Apr 21, 2019
1 parent 034cccb commit 95d7426
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Showing 12 changed files with 82 additions and 101 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .ghci
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
:set +t
:set +m
:set prompt "λ: "
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/Main.hs
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
module Main (main) where

import Parser.Parser (ParserError, parseProgram, composeASTs)
import Parser.TypeDefs (fnName, AST(AST), typeDecls)
import Parser.TypeDefs (fnName, AST(AST), typeDecls, mapFromDeclList)
import TypeSystem.PatternChecker (PatternError, runCoverageCheck, checkPatterns)
import TypeSystem.TypeDefs (TypeSystemError)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Semantics.Builtins (makePrelude)
import TypeSystem.Preprocessor (preprocess)
import TypeSystem.TypeSystem (mapFromDeclList, typeCheck)
import TypeSystem.TypeSystem (typeCheck)
import Semantics.Interpreter (interpretAST)
import Debug.Trace (traceM)

Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/Parser/Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Parser.TypeDefs
import Parser.Utils
import Parser.TypeDecls
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust)

types :: Parser (Name -> [Name] -> Expr -> FunDecl)
types = try $ do
Expand All @@ -19,16 +19,13 @@ types = try $ do

funDecl :: Parser FunDecl
funDecl = (types >>= funDecl') <|> funDecl' (FunDecl Nothing Nothing)
funDecl' :: (Name -> [Name] -> Expr -> FunDecl) -> Parser FunDecl
funDecl' f = f
where funDecl' f = f
<$> identifier -- function name
<*> many identifier -- args
<* symbol "="
<*> expr -- body
<* symbol ";"

lambda :: Parser Expr
lambda =
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/Parser/TypeDefs.hs
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Parser.TypeDefs where

import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data AST = AST { typeDecls :: [TypeDecl], funDecls :: [FunDecl] } deriving (Eq)

Expand All @@ -11,6 +12,9 @@ instance Show AST where

data FunDecl = FunDecl { fnContType :: Maybe Type, fnType :: Maybe Type, fnName :: Name, fnArgs :: [Name], fnBody :: Expr } deriving (Eq)

mapFromDeclList :: [TypeDecl] -> Map Name TypeDecl
mapFromDeclList list = Map.fromList $ map (\td -> (tdName td, td)) list

instance Show FunDecl where
show (FunDecl contType t name args body) =
maybe "" ((++ " :\n") . show) contType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +94,7 @@ instance Show Type where
show (TApply t1 t2) = show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2
show TBottom = ""
show (TBuiltin name) = "" ++ name ++ ""
show (TCont tc t) = show t ++ " with continuation " ++ show tc

showType :: Type -> String
showType t@(TArrow _ _) = "(" ++ show t ++ ")"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/TypeSystem/Preprocessor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (Except, throwError, runExcept)
import Control.Monad (when)

import Utils
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, liftA)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)

preprocess :: AST -> Either String IAST
preprocess (AST types fns) = liftA2 IAST (runExcept $ mapM unContTypes types) . pure $ map convertFn fns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ type UnCont a = Except String a

unContTypes :: TypeDecl -> UnCont ITypeDecl
unContTypes td@(TypeDecl {tdVariants, ..}) = (\vs -> td { tdVariants = vs }) <$> mapM unContTypeVariant tdVariants
unContTypes td @ TypeDecl {tdVariants, ..} = (\vs -> td { tdVariants = vs }) <$> mapM unContTypeVariant tdVariants

unContTypeVariant :: TypeVariant -> UnCont TypeVariant
unContTypeVariant (TypeVariant name args) = TypeVariant name <$> mapM unContType args
Expand All @@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ unContType (TCont (Just tc) t) = do
return $ foldl1 (^->^) $ args ++ [body ^->^ tc, tc]
unContType (TArrow t1 t2) = liftA2 TArrow (unContType t1) (unContType t2)
unContType (TApply t1 t2) = liftA2 TApply (unContType t1) (unContType t2)
unContType (TList t) = liftA TList (unContType t)
unContType (TList t) = fmap TList (unContType t)
unContType t = return t
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/TypeSystem/TypeDefs.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Semantics.Builtins
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)

-- | The I prefix stands for Internal (or intermediate :P)
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131 changes: 55 additions & 76 deletions src/TypeSystem/TypeSystem.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module TypeSystem.TypeSystem where
module TypeSystem.TypeSystem (typeCheck) where

import Parser.TypeDefs
import Data.Map (Map)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,14 +35,10 @@ traceM s = do
prefix <- liftPrefix ask
Debug.Trace.traceM $ prefix ++ s

addPrefix :: MonadReader String m => String -> m a -> m a
addPrefix s m = local (++ s) m

-- | Type system is based on the Hindley-Milner algorithm as presented here:

-- TODO: error when multiple args with same name

type SchemeMap = Map Name Scheme

typeCheck :: IAST -> Either TypeSystemError ()
Expand All @@ -57,16 +53,19 @@ runTypeCheck tc = second fst $ runExcept (runReaderT (evalStateT (runReaderT (ru
liftExcept :: (b -> TypeSystemError) -> Except b a -> TypeCheck a
liftExcept err = lift . lift . lift . lift . withExcept err

throwWhenMultipleEqual :: [Name] -> String -> TypeCheck ()
throwWhenMultipleEqual xs context = when (length (nub xs) /= length xs) . throwError $ MultipleBindings (show . head $ xs L.\\ nub xs) context

throwWhenNothing :: MonadError e m => Maybe a -> e -> m ()
throwWhenNothing ma err = when (isNothing ma) $ throwError err

freshTypeName :: TypeCheck Type
freshTypeName =
do IState n <- get
put . IState $ n + 1
traceM $ "getting fresh type " ++ show n ++ "!"
return . TVar $ "a" ++ show n

mapFromDeclList :: [TypeDecl] -> Map Name TypeDecl
mapFromDeclList list = Map.fromList $ map (\td -> (tdName td, td)) list

typesOfBuiltins :: TypeCheck (Map BuiltinName Scheme)
typesOfBuiltins = Map.fromList . zip builtinNames . map generalizeBuiltin <$> mapM preprocessType builtinsTypes

Expand All @@ -76,24 +75,19 @@ preprocessType t = do
names <- Subst . Map.fromList <$> forM fvt (\v -> (v, ) <$> freshTypeName)
return $ apply names t

preprocessFns :: [IFnDecl] -> TypeCheck [IFnDecl]
preprocessFns = mapM $ _mapType >=> _mapContType
_mapType fn = maybe (return fn) (fmap (\t' -> fn { ifnType = Just t' }) . preprocessType) $ ifnType fn
_mapContType fn = maybe (return fn) (fmap (\ct' -> fn { ifnContType = Just ct' }) . preprocessType) $ ifnContType fn
_mapType fn = maybe (return fn) (fmap (\t' -> fn { ifnType = Just t' }) . preprocessType) $ ifnType fn
_mapContType fn = maybe (return fn) (fmap (\ct -> fn { ifnContType = Just ct }) . preprocessType) $ ifnContType fn

declToScheme :: ITypeDecl -> [TypeVariant] -> {-TypeCheck-} [Scheme]
declToScheme :: ITypeDecl -> [TypeVariant] -> [Scheme]
declToScheme td = map $ ForAll (tdArgs td) . foldr (^->^) (typeFromDecl td) . tvArgs

typeVar :: Type -> Name
typeVar (TVar n) = n
typeVar _ = error "type argument is not abstract: this should never happen"

preprocessTypeDecl :: ITypeDecl -> TypeCheck ITypeDecl
preprocessTypeDecl (TypeDecl name args variants) = do
args' <- mapM preprocessType args
let argNames = map typeVar args
let argNames = map (\(TVar n) -> n) args
subst = Subst . Map.fromList $ zip argNames args'
variants' = map (preprocessVariant subst) variants
return $ TypeDecl name args' variants'
Expand All @@ -109,7 +103,13 @@ getCtorTypes types = do

doTypeChecking :: IAST -> TypeCheck ()
doTypeChecking ast@(IAST types fns) =
do _ <- liftExcept KindError $ kindCheckIAST ast
do -- Check for name clashes.
let globalIdentifiers = map ifnName fns ++ concatMap (map tvName . tdVariants) types
throwWhenMultipleEqual globalIdentifiers "program"
let globalTypes = map tdName types ++ Map.keys builtinTypes
throwWhenMultipleEqual globalTypes "program"
-- Perform kind checking.
void(liftExcept KindError $ kindCheckIAST ast)
ctorMap <- getCtorTypes types
let -- Apply continuation modification to functions with type annotations
contFns = map (\fn -> fn { ifnType = case ifnContType fn of
Expand All @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ doTypeChecking ast@(IAST types fns) =
typesOfBuiltins' <- typesOfBuiltins
traceM $ "types of builtins: " ++ showMap typesOfBuiltins' ++ "\n"
((main, s), m) <- listen $ local (const $ TypeEnv (Map.union typeMap builtinTypes) $ Map.unions [ctorMap, schemeMap, typesOfBuiltins']) $ typeCheckFunctions finalFns
when (isNothing main) $ throwError EntryPointNotFoundError
throwWhenNothing main EntryPointNotFoundError
traceM $ "Found type " ++ show (fromJust main) ++ " for the main function."
traceM $ "Final subst is:\n" ++ showMap (unSubst s)
traceM $ "\n\nfinal types are:\n" ++ showMap (fix' (apply s) m)
Expand All @@ -146,53 +146,36 @@ typeCheckFunctions :: [IFnDecl] -> TypeCheck (Maybe Type, TypeSubst)
typeCheckFunctions [] = return (Nothing, nullSubst)
typeCheckFunctions (fn:fns) =
do (t, s1) <- typeCheckFunction fn
(mt, s2) <- localWithSubst s1 $ typeCheckFunctions fns
s <- generalizeType t
traceM $ "Found type scheme " ++ show s ++ " for function " ++ ifnName fn
(mt, s2) <- local (mapSchemeEnv $ Map.insert (ifnName fn) s) . localWithSubst s1 $ typeCheckFunctions fns
if | ifnName fn == "main" && isNothing mt -> return (Just t, s2 `compose` s1)
| ifnName fn == "main" -> throwError MultipleEntryPointsFound
| otherwise -> return (mt, s2 `compose` s1)

isNotArrow :: Type -> Bool
isNotArrow (_ `TArrow` _) = False
isNotArrow _ = True

addArgs :: [Name] -> Map Name Type -> Type -> TypeCheck Type
addArgs (n:ns) m t =
do let mArgType = Map.lookup n m
when (isNothing mArgType) . throwError $ TooManyArgumentsError t
t' <- addArgs ns m t
let argType = fromJust mArgType
return $ argType ^->^ t'
addArgs _ _ t = return t

getArgTypes :: Type -> [Name] -> TypeCheck (Type, SchemeMap)
getArgTypes (TArrow t1 t2) (n:ns) =
do (tBody, rest) <- getArgTypes t2 ns
return (tBody, Map.insert n (ForAll [] t1) rest)
getArgTypes t [] = return (t, Map.empty)
getArgTypes t _ = throwError $ TooManyArgumentsError t

typeCheckFunction :: IFnDecl -> TypeCheck (Type, TypeSubst)
typeCheckFunction fd@(IFnDecl _ (Just t) name args _) =
typeCheckFunction (IFnDecl _ (Just t) name args body) =
do traceM ("\nNOW TYPE CHECKING: " ++ name ++ "...")
(bodyType, argTypes) <- if null args then return (t, Map.empty) else getArgTypes t args
traceM ("with bodyType " ++ show bodyType ++ " and arg types: " ++ show argTypes)
(t', s) <- typeCheckFunction fd { ifnType = Nothing }--local (mapSchemeEnv $ Map.insert name (genNoEnv t) . Map.union argTypes) $ inferType body
traceM $ "\nFinished inferring: "
at <- mapMapM instantiateType argTypes
s' <- unifyTypes (apply s bodyType) t'
traceM $ "Found type " ++ show (apply s' t')
finalType <- addArgs args (apply s' at) (apply s' t')
tell $ Map.singleton name finalType
return (apply s' t', s')
typeCheckFunction (IFnDecl _ Nothing _name args body) =
do traceM ("NOW INFERRING: " ++ _name ++ "...")
argTypes <- Map.fromList <$> mapM (\arg -> (arg, ) . ForAll [] <$> freshTypeName) args
(t', s) <- local (mapSchemeEnv $ Map.union argTypes) $ inferType body
traceM $ "Found type " ++ show t'
at <- mapMapM instantiateType argTypes
finalType <- addArgs args (apply s at) t'
tell $ Map.singleton _name finalType
return (t', s)
(funType, s) <- doTypeCheckFunction args body
traceM $ "Checker found type " ++ show funType
s' <- unifyTypes funType t
let s'' = s' `compose` s
tell $ Map.singleton name $ apply s'' funType
return (apply s'' funType, s'')
typeCheckFunction (IFnDecl _ Nothing name args body) =
do traceM ("NOW INFERRING: " ++ name ++ "...")
(funType, s) <- doTypeCheckFunction args body
traceM $ "Inferrer found type " ++ show funType
tell $ Map.singleton name funType
return (funType, s)

doTypeCheckFunction :: [Name] -> IExpr -> TypeCheck (Type, TypeSubst)
doTypeCheckFunction args body =
do argTypes <- mapM (\arg -> (arg, ) . ForAll [] <$> freshTypeName) args
let argMap = Map.fromList argTypes
(t, s) <- local (mapSchemeEnv $ Map.union argMap) $ inferType body
return (foldr ((^->^) . apply s . schT . snd) (apply s t) argTypes, s)

unifyTypes :: Type -> Type -> TypeCheck TypeSubst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,13 +226,10 @@ lookupType n t
| otherwise =
do env <- ask
let m = Map.lookup n $ typeDict env
when (isNothing m) . throwError $ UnboundTypeVariableError n t
throwWhenNothing m $ UnboundTypeVariableError n t
traceM $ "Looked up " ++ n ++ " and found " ++ show (fromJust m)
unifyTypes t $ fromJust m

tr :: Show a => a -> a
tr x = trace (show x) x

localWithSubst :: TypeSubst -> TypeCheck a -> TypeCheck a
localWithSubst s = local (\env -> env { schemeDict = apply s $ schemeDict env })

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +282,7 @@ inferType (IEVar x) = trace ("inferType var " ++ x ) $
mt' = if isNothing mt
then Map.lookup (makePrelude x) $ schemeDict env
else mt
when (isNothing mt') . throwError $ UnboundVariableError x
throwWhenNothing mt' $ UnboundVariableError x
t <- instantiateType $ fromJust mt'
traceM $ "inferred type " ++ show t ++ " for var " ++ x
return (t, nullSubst)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,18 +312,17 @@ checkPattern (PLit (LInt _)) t = (Map.empty, ) <$> unifyTypes t intType
checkPattern (PVar x) t | x /= "_" = return (Map.singleton x $ ForAll [] t, nullSubst)
checkPattern (PVar _) _ = return (Map.empty, nullSubst)
checkPattern p@(PTVariant name args) t =
env <- ask
let ms = Map.lookup name $ schemeDict env
when (isNothing ms) . throwError $ UnboundVariableError name
let scheme = fromJust ms
t' <- instantiateType scheme
let tArgs = typeArgs t'
s <- unifyTypes t (typeBody t')
(maps, substs) <- unzip <$> zipWithM checkPattern args (map (apply s) tArgs)
let names = concatMap Map.keys maps
when (length (nub names) /= length names) . throwError $ MultipleBindings (head $ names L.\\ nub names) (show p)
return (mconcat maps, foldl compose nullSubst substs)
do env <- ask
let ms = Map.lookup name $ schemeDict env
throwWhenNothing ms $ UnboundVariableError name
let scheme = fromJust ms
t' <- instantiateType scheme
let tArgs = typeArgs t'
s <- unifyTypes t (typeBody t')
(maps, substs) <- unzip <$> zipWithM checkPattern args (map (apply s) tArgs)
let names = concatMap Map.keys maps
throwWhenMultipleEqual names (show p)
return (mconcat maps, foldl compose nullSubst substs)

checkPattern (PCons x xs) t =
do t' <- freshTypeName
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/Parser/ParserSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import TestUtils

import Test.Hspec
import Parser.TypeDefs
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT)

spec :: Spec
spec = programParserTest
Expand All @@ -28,5 +27,5 @@ programParserTest = describe "Program parser" $
\type X a b = Y (a -> b) | Z (b -> a);\n\
\(b -> c) -> (b -> c) :: f a b = a b;\n\
\m (b -> c) -> m b -> Evald (m c) :: f x y = Evald ((getOut x) y);\n"
(AST [TypeDecl "R" [] [TypeVariant "R" [TName "Rational"]], TypeDecl "Maybe" [TVar "a"] [TypeVariant "Just" [TVar "a"], TypeVariant "Nothing" []], TypeDecl "Either" [TVar "e", TVar "a"] [TypeVariant "Left" [TVar "e"], TypeVariant "Right" [TVar "a"]], TypeDecl "Expr" [] [TypeVariant "EVar" [TName "Name"], TypeVariant "EInt" [TName "Int"], TypeVariant "ETypeName" [TName "TypeName"], TypeVariant "EAdd" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "ENeg" [TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "ESub" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "EMul" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "EApply" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"]], TypeDecl "X" [TVar "a", TVar "b"] [TypeVariant "Y" [TVar "a" ^->^ TVar "b"], TypeVariant "Z" [TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "a"]]] [FunDecl ((TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") "f" ["a", "b"] $ EVar "a" ^$^ EVar "b", FunDecl (TVar "m" ^$$^ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "b" ^->^ TName "Evald" ^$$^ (TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "c")) "f" ["x", "y"] $ ETypeName "Evald" ^$^ ((EVar "getOut" ^$^ EVar "x") ^$^ EVar "y")])
(AST [TypeDecl "R" [] [TypeVariant "R" [TName "Rational"]], TypeDecl "Maybe" [TVar "a"] [TypeVariant "Just" [TVar "a"], TypeVariant "Nothing" []], TypeDecl "Either" [TVar "e", TVar "a"] [TypeVariant "Left" [TVar "e"], TypeVariant "Right" [TVar "a"]], TypeDecl "Expr" [] [TypeVariant "EVar" [TName "Name"], TypeVariant "EInt" [TName "Int"], TypeVariant "ETypeName" [TName "TypeName"], TypeVariant "EAdd" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "ENeg" [TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "ESub" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "EMul" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"], TypeVariant "EApply" [TName "Expr", TName "Expr"]], TypeDecl "X" [TVar "a", TVar "b"] [TypeVariant "Y" [TVar "a" ^->^ TVar "b"], TypeVariant "Z" [TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "a"]]] [FunDecl Nothing (Just $ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") "f" ["a", "b"] $ EVar "a" ^$^ EVar "b", FunDecl Nothing (Just $ TVar "m" ^$$^ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "b" ^->^ TName "Evald" ^$$^ (TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "c")) "f" ["x", "y"] $ ETypeName "Evald" ^$^ ((EVar "getOut" ^$^ EVar "x") ^$^ EVar "y")])
shouldParseProgram fooProgram1 (AST [TypeDecl "Foo" [TVar "a", TVar "b"] [TypeVariant "Bar" [TVar "b" ^$$^ TVar "a", TName "Int"], TypeVariant "Bar2" [TVar "a" ^$$^ TName "Int"]]] [])
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions test/Parser/TypeDeclsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ import Text.Megaparsec

import Parser.TypeDefs
import Parser.TypeDecls
import Parser.Expr
import Parser.Parser
import TestUtils

spec :: Spec
spec = do

typeParserTest :: SpecWith ()
typeParserTest = describe "Type parser" $ do
it "parses type constructors" $ do
shouldParseType "Abcds" $ TName "Abcds"
Expand All @@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ typeParserTest = describe "Type parser" $ do
shouldParseType "[Int]" $ TList $ TName "Int"
shouldParseType "[a -> Int]" $ TList $ TVar "a" ^->^ TName "Int"

declarationParserTest :: SpecWith ()
declarationParserTest = describe "Declaration parser" $ do
it "parses type declarations" $ do
shouldParseTypeDecl "type R = R Rational;" $ TypeDecl "R" [] [TypeVariant "R" [TName "Rational"]]
Expand All @@ -46,6 +45,6 @@ declarationParserTest = describe "Declaration parser" $ do
shouldParseTypeDecl "type X a b = Y (a -> b) | Z (b -> a);" $ TypeDecl "X" [TVar "a", TVar "b"] [TypeVariant "Y" [TVar "a" ^->^ TVar "b"], TypeVariant "Z" [TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "a"]]
parse typeDecl "" `shouldFailOn` "type X a b = Y a -> b;" --err 18 (utok '-' <> etok '(' <> etok '|' <> eeof <> etoks "identifier" <> "typename")
it "parses function declarations" $ do
shouldParseFunDecl "(b -> c) -> (b -> c) :: f a b = a b;" $ FunDecl ((TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") "f" ["a", "b"] $ EVar "a" ^$^ EVar "b"
shouldParseFunDecl "m (b -> c) -> m b -> Evald (m c) :: f x y = Evald ((getOut x) y);" $ FunDecl (TVar "m" ^$$^ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "b" ^->^ TName "Evald" ^$$^ (TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "c")) "f" ["x", "y"] $ ETypeName "Evald" ^$^ ((EVar "getOut" ^$^ EVar "x") ^$^ EVar "y")
shouldParseFunDecl "(b -> c) -> (b -> c) :: f a b = a b;" $ FunDecl Nothing (Just $ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") "f" ["a", "b"] $ EVar "a" ^$^ EVar "b"
shouldParseFunDecl "m (b -> c) -> m b -> Evald (m c) :: f x y = Evald ((getOut x) y);" $ FunDecl Nothing (Just $ TVar "m" ^$$^ (TVar "b" ^->^ TVar "c") ^->^ TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "b" ^->^ TName "Evald" ^$$^ (TVar "m" ^$$^ TVar "c")) "f" ["x", "y"] $ ETypeName "Evald" ^$^ ((EVar "getOut" ^$^ EVar "x") ^$^ EVar "y")


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