PHPStan baseline #28
10 errors
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function array_key_exists() with 'error' and array{ref: mixed, label: mixed, acquisition_value_ht: mixed, depreciation: non-empty-array<array{date: mixed, ref: mixed, lines: non-empty-array<mixed>}>, disposal?: array{date: mixed, amount: mixed, subject_to_vat: bool}} will always evaluate to false.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Parameter #1 $link_by_element of method Lettering::getGroupElements() expects array<array<string, int>>, array<array<string, string>> given.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function is_array() with array will always evaluate to true.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Property Categorie::$cats (array<int, array{rowid: int, id: int, fk_parent: int, label: string, description: string, color: string, position: string, visible: int, ...}>) does not accept array<array{rowid: mixed, id: mixed, fk_parent: mixed, label: mixed, description: mixed, color: mixed, position: mixed, visible: mixed, ...}>.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Property Categorie::$cats (array<int, array{rowid: int, id: int, fk_parent: int, label: string, description: string, color: string, position: string, visible: int, ...}>) does not accept array<array{rowid: mixed, id: mixed, fk_parent: mixed, label: mixed, description: mixed, color: mixed, position: mixed, visible: mixed, ...}>.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Method Categorie::get_full_arbo() should return -1|array<int, array{rowid: int, id: int, fk_parent: int, label: string, description: string, color: string, position: string, visible: int, ...}> but returns array<array{rowid: mixed, id: mixed, fk_parent: mixed, label: mixed, description: mixed, color: mixed, position: mixed, visible: mixed, ...}>.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function is_array() with non-empty-array<(float|int)> will always evaluate to true.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function is_array() with non-empty-array<array{NP: mixed, N?: (float|int), M?: non-empty-array<0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11, mixed>}> will always evaluate to true.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function is_array() with non-empty-array<array{paths: array{mixed}, names: array{string}, mimes: array{mixed}}> will always evaluate to true.
Run ruudk/phpstan-baseline-refresh-create-pr-action@main:
Call to function is_array() with non-empty-array<string> will always evaluate to true.