Very much a work in progress...
- Add EF core
- Data seeding
- Creating the db
- Add Masstransit
- Integration events
- Add redis
- Sessions to redis
- Response caching (.NET 8 only?)
- Rate limiting
- Blacklisting
- Add Swagger
- Sending emails
- Docker compose
- Dev Containers
- Aspire
- Loggin with Serilog
- Configure (enrichments, etc)
- Testing
- Architecture tests
- Integration tests
- Unit tests
- UI components
- Radix/Shandcd?
- Form components
- Layout
- Modals
- Tables
- Toasts
<Icon />
- Validation on the server
- Websockets with SignalR (read the book)
- ServiceWorker
- PushEvents
- PartyTime
- [] Analytics
- File Upload/Download