Connect to Gitter using the IRC protocol.
You can connect to the official Gitter IRC bridge at:
- host:
- port:
SSL is mandatory
You'll need to provide a valid token to authenticate yourself. You can send your token to the server using the /PASS
command. If you use a GUI client, this is the Server Password; your client will send it automatically on connection.
You can obtain your token from
You can also find instructions on how to configure specific clients in the Wiki
You'll need a working Node.js environment.
- Install the dependencies with:
npm install
- Start the server with:
DEBUG=irc* npm start
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Add documentation if necessary.
- Commit. Do not mess with the version or history.
- Send a Pull Request! 👍