It folds and unfolds markdown sections following the headers.
This package is inspired by the package markdown-folder, but unfortunately after Atom 1.9.0 that package stopped working and I reimplemented some of its functionality.
- 'markdown-folding:cycle': => Cycle heading at cursor (Show headings of subsections - collapse all - show all)
- 'markdown-folding:foldall-h1': => Fold all h1 headings
- 'markdown-folding:foldall-h2': => Fold all h2 headings
Suggested bindings (not implemented, use in your personal settings if you like):
'atom-text-editor[data-grammar="source gfm"]:not([mini]), atom-text-editor[data-grammar="text md"]:not([mini])':
'tab': 'markdown-folding:cycle'