This utility is a stand alone save editor which allows users to add and manage more than four players in a multiplayer save file from Stardew Valley. No modifications or frameworks for Stardew Valley, such as SMAPI, are required for this functionality, and up to 8 players can be added to a vanilla multiplayer game.
Run this application from a terminal, all necessary runtimes and dependencies will be included in the release.
The utility will search for saved files in the default save location for Stardew Valley saves: "%USERNAME%/AppData/Roaming/Stardew Valley/Saves" on Windows and "home/$USERNAME/.config/StardewValley/Saves" on Unix systems.
To run from source, you must have Dotnet Core CLI installed.
Run the executable from command line.
Note: A copy of the original file and the modified file will be placed in the /saves subdirectory every time an action is taken.
Lists the host and current farmhands in the selected save file.
Add an empty farmhand slot and cabin to the selected save file or add an existing farmhand from storage to a new slot.
Removes a farmhand from the selected save file with the option to remove the player slot entirely. The user will also have the option to save the farmhand into the utility's storage to be used later.
Swaps the host slot with one of the farmhands in the save file.
Swaps a farmhand from the save file with a farmhand in storage.