A simple graphing executable for the GBT_RFI_Webpage downloaded data, 'RFI_Data.txt'
Python 2 or Python 3 build with Tkl/Tk support. (This is the default option when installing Python.)
The GBO computers have Tk support for their Python 2 installation but not their Python 3 installation as of 05/22/2020. This will run on GBO computers with no changes. Python 3.7+ always has Tk support.
1.) Download zip file and extract in your desired directory.
1.) Execute GBT_RFI_Grapher.sh, giving your desired file to graph as an in-line argument. For example:
./GBT_RFI_Grapher.sh RFI_data.txt
2.) The graph will display and then save to the current directory as RFI_Data_Plot_FilenameHere.png