E-Sneaker is an e-commerce app for android with the hottest sneakers Β π₯π₯.
Watch the presentation! https://youtu.be/0OjiSuxNNE4
Nowadays there's a booming market when it comes to original/exclusive items, specially sneakers. E-Sneaker will help you find your next favorite sneakers. In the app you are able to have your own list of favorite brands and favorite sneakers.
After logging in, you have 3 options for your feed: 1. See most liked sneakers 2. See your favorite brands 3. See random sneakers from every brand
Once you've chosen the sneakers, you will be able to pay with the payment details that you save in your profile. And share it with your friends on Twitter, Instagram, etc!
[x] Users login
[x] Users see a feed with sneakers
[x] Users have favorite sneakers
[x] Users have a shopping cart
[] Users can save payment information
[] Users can edit their profile
[x] Users can see their information
[-] Users have different views for their feed, based on their favorite brands, on the most liked sneakers or random sneakers.
[x] Users could share their favorites on social media.
[] The app could have security.
- Users won't be able to pay.
- For the Grid Layout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOcD1evBcSA&list=LL&index=40
- For Login activity layout and small parts of design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAdW6YRCCIA&list=LL&index=68
Β© Juan Trebolle