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Replace isexported with ispublic to filter names in @autodocs (#…
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Co-authored-by: Anshul Singhvi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Morten Piibeleht <[email protected]>
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3 people authored Mar 5, 2025
1 parent d2bf676 commit 09eb5a5
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Showing 11 changed files with 92 additions and 16 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

* Symlinks are now followed when walking the docs directory. ([#2610])
* PDF/LaTeX builds now throw a more informative error when `sitename` is not provided. ([#2636])
* `@autodocs` now lists public unexported symbols by default (i.e. when `Public = true`). ([#2629])

This is **potentially breaking** as it can cause previously working builds to fail if they are being run in strict mode.
Errors can happen if there are unexported symbols marked with `public` whose docstrings are being included manually with e.g. `@docs` blocks, and there is also an `@autodocs` block including docstrings for all public symbols.
The solution is to remove the duplicate inclusion.

* `checkdocs` has a new option `:public` to check that unexported symbols marked with `public` are included in the docs. ([#2629])

## Version [v1.8.1] - 2025-02-11

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1940,6 +1947,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Documenter"
uuid = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
version = "1.8.1"
version = "1.9.0"

ANSIColoredPrinters = "a4c015fc-c6ff-483c-b24f-f7ea428134e9"
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/man/
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Expand Up @@ -145,10 +145,14 @@ Filter = myCustomFilterFunction

To include only the exported names from the modules listed in `Modules` use `Private = false`.
In a similar way `Public = false` can be used to only show the unexported names. By
To include only the public names from the modules listed in `Modules` use `Private = false`.
In a similar way `Public = false` can be used to only show the private names. By
default both of these are set to `true` so that all names will be shown.

!!! info
In Julia versions up to and including v1.10, "public" = "exported".
Starting with Julia v1.11, "public" = "exported _or_ marked with the `public` keyword".

Functions exported from `Foo`:

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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/DocSystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -315,4 +315,43 @@ function parsedoc(docstr::DocStr)
return md

struct APIStatus

function APIStatus(mod::Module, sym::Symbol)
isdefined = Base.isdefined(mod, sym)
ispublic = @static if isdefined(Base, :ispublic) # Julia v1.11 and later
Base.ispublic(mod, sym)
Base.isexported(mod, sym)
isexported = Base.isexported(mod, sym)
return new(Docs.Binding(mod, sym), isdefined, ispublic, isexported)

APIStatus(binding::Docs.Binding) = APIStatus(binding.mod, binding.var)

This error message is reused in duplicate docstring warnings when we detect
the case when a duplicate docstring in a non-explored public name.
function public_unexported_msg(apistatus::APIStatus)
return if apistatus.ispublic && !apistatus.isexported
Note: this binding is marked `public`, but not exported. Starting from Documenter 1.9.0,
such bindings are now included in `@autodocs` blocks that list public APIs (blocks with `Public = true`),
but in older Documenter versions they would not have been. This may cause a previously
succeeding documentation build to fail because of duplicate docstrings, without any changes to your code. To fix this,
ensure that the same docstring is not included anywhere else (e.g. by an explicit `@docs`

9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/docchecks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,14 @@ function allbindings(checkdocs::Symbol, mod::Module, out = Dict{Binding, Set{Typ
# import/using.
name = nameof(binding)
isexported = (binding == Binding(mod, name)) && Base.isexported(mod, name)
if checkdocs === :all || (isexported && checkdocs === :exports)
ispublic = (binding == Binding(mod, name)) && @static if isdefined(Base, :ispublic)
Base.ispublic(mod, name)
Base.isexported(mod, name)
if checkdocs === :all ||
(isexported && checkdocs === :exports) ||
(ispublic && checkdocs === :public)
out[binding] = Set(sigs(doc))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/documents.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ struct User
linkcheck_ignore::Vector{Union{String, Regex}} # ..and then ignore (some of) them.
linkcheck_timeout::Real # ..but only wait this many seconds for each one.
linkcheck_useragent::Union{String, Nothing} # User agent to use for linkchecks.
checkdocs::Symbol # Check objects missing from `@docs` blocks. `:none`, `:exports`, or `:all`.
checkdocs::Symbol # Check objects missing from `@docs` blocks. `:none`, `:exports`, `:public` or `:all`.
checkdocs_ignored_modules::Vector{Module} # ..and then ignore (some of) them.
doctestfilters::Vector{<:Any} # Filtering for doctests
warnonly::Vector{Symbol} # List of docerror groups that should only warn, rather than cause a build failure
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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/expander_pipeline.jl
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Expand Up @@ -419,13 +419,14 @@ function Selectors.runner(::Type{Expanders.DocsBlocks}, node, page, doc)
object = make_object(binding, typesig, is_canonical, doc, page)
# We can't include the same object more than once in a document.
if haskey(doc.internal.objects, object)
apistatus = DocSystem.APIStatus(binding)
doc, :docs_block,
duplicate docs found for '$(strip(str))' in `@docs` block in $(Documenter.locrepr(page.source, lines))
``` $(DocSystem.public_unexported_msg(apistatus))
push!(docsnodes, admonition)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,8 +525,8 @@ function Selectors.runner(::Type{Expanders.AutoDocsBlocks}, node, page, doc)
for mod in modules
for (binding, multidoc) in Documenter.DocSystem.getmeta(mod)
# Which bindings should be included?
isexported = Base.isexported(mod, binding.var)
included = (isexported && public) || (!isexported && private)
apistatus = DocSystem.APIStatus(mod, binding.var)
included = (apistatus.ispublic && public) || (!apistatus.ispublic && private)
# What category does the binding belong to?
category = try
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,11 +565,11 @@ function Selectors.runner(::Type{Expanders.AutoDocsBlocks}, node, page, doc)
path = normpath([:path])
object = make_object(binding, typesig, is_canonical, doc, page)
if isempty(pages)
push!(results, (mod, path, category, object, isexported, docstr))
push!(results, (mod, path, category, object, apistatus, docstr))
for p in pages
if endswith(path, p)
push!(results, (mod, p, category, object, isexported, docstr))
push!(results, (mod, p, category, object, apistatus, docstr))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,15 +604,15 @@ function Selectors.runner(::Type{Expanders.AutoDocsBlocks}, node, page, doc)

# Finalise docstrings.
docsnodes = Node[]
for (mod, path, category, object, isexported, docstr) in results
for (mod, path, category, object, apistatus, docstr) in results
if haskey(doc.internal.objects, object)
doc, :autodocs_block,
duplicate docs found for '$(object.binding)' in $(Documenter.locrepr(page.source, lines))
``` $(DocSystem.public_unexported_msg(apistatus))
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/makedocs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -174,8 +174,9 @@ by setting `Draft = true` in an `@meta` block.
**`checkdocs`** instructs [`makedocs`](@ref) to check whether all names within the modules
defined in the `modules` keyword that have a docstring attached have the docstring also
listed in the manual (e.g. there's a `@docs` block with that docstring). Possible values
are `:all` (check all names; the default), `:exports` (check only exported names) and
`:none` (no checks are performed).
are `:all` (check all names; the default), `:exports` (check only exported names),
`:public` (check exported names and those marked with the `public` keyword in Julia ≥ 1.11),
and `:none` (no checks are performed).
By default, if the document check detect any errors, it will fail the documentation build.
This behavior can be relaxed with the `warnonly` or `checkdocs_ignored_modules` keywords.
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion test/examples/pages/e.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
module E

export f_1, f_2, f_3
macro public_or_export(ex)
args = ex isa Symbol ? (ex,) : Base.isexpr(ex, :tuple) ? ex.args : error()
return if Base.isdefined(Base, :ispublic)
esc(Expr(:public, args...))
esc(Expr(:export, args...))

export f_1, f_2
@public_or_export f_3

f_1(x) = x
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/missingdocs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module MissingDocsSubmodule

@testset "missing docs" begin
for (sym, n_expected) in zip([:none, :exports, :all], [0, 1, 2])
for (sym, n_expected) in zip([:none, :exports, :public, :all], [0, 1, 1, 2])
kwargs = (
root = dirname(@__FILE__),
source = joinpath("src", string(sym)),
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/missingdocs/src/public/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# MissingDocs Exports


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