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Physically-based renderer using Monte Carlo sampling of path tracing, which supports 6 BRDFs, soft shadows, indirect illumination, Russian roulette path termination, SDR/HDR tone mapping, attenuate refraction, stratified sampling, depth of field, low discrepancy sampling, BRDF importance sampling, etc.

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This project implements a physically-based renderer using Monte Carlo sampling of path tracing, which supports 6 BRDFs, soft shadows, indirect illumination, Russian roulette path termination, SDR/HDR tone mapping, attenuate refraction, stratified sampling, depth of field, low discrepancy sampling, BRDF importance sampling, etc. This project associates with Brown CSCI 2240 Computer Graphics course and the assignment requirement can be found in

4 Basic BRDFs with Soft Shadows, Indirect Illumination, Russian Roulette Path Termination, SDR/HDR Tone Mapping

Run the program with the specified .ini config file to compare your output against the reference images. The program should automatically save to the correct path for the images to appear in the table below.

Qt Creator users: If your program can't find certain files or you aren't seeing your output images appear, make sure to:

  1. Set your working directory to the project directory
  2. Set the command-line argument in Qt Creator to template_inis/final/<ini_file_name>.ini
.ini File To Produce Output Expected Output Your Output
cornell_box_full_lighting.ini Place cornell_box_full_lighting.png in student_outputs/final folder
cornell_box_direct_lighting_only.ini Place cornell_box_direct_lighting_only.png in student_outputs/final folder
cornell_box_full_lighting_low_probability.ini Place cornell_box_full_lighting_low_probability.png in student_outputs/final folder
mirror.ini Place mirror.png in student_outputs/final folder
glossy.ini Place glossy.png in student_outputs/final folder
refraction.ini Place refraction.png in student_outputs/final folder

Note: The reference images above were produced using the Extended Reinhard tone mapping function with minor gamma correction. You may choose to use another mapping function or omit gamma correction.

Design Choices

Please list all the features your path tracer implements. Required features:

  • Four basic types of BRDFs: All 4 required BRDFs are supported. The total diffusion BRDF is activated when specular terms are very small. The glossy reflective BRDF is activated when specular terms are moderately large while the shininess is not too large. The mirror reflection BRDF is activated when shininess is larger than 500. The refraction BRDF (with Fresnel) is activated when objects are not opaque and have a reasonably obvious refraction factor.
  • Soft shadows: The soft shadows are implemented by randomly sampling on the the light sources. Especially in direct lighting, when shooting rays from the hit point to light sources, the ray direction is determined by randomly sampling on emissive triangles (related functions in utils/helper.cpp/samplePointsInTriangle and utils/helper.cpp/triangleArea)
  • Indirect illumination: The indirect illumination is implemented by recursively sending random rays along paths and add up the radiance along the path. Color bleeding and caustics can be seen in all images which are not direct light only.
  • Russian roulette path termination: Russian roulette path termination is implemented in the recursive indirect path tracing. It terminates the recursive tracing with an upper bound probability and then divide such probability when accumulating the radiance to provide unbiased images.
  • Event splitting: At each recursive path tracing step, both direct lighting and indirect lighting are combined. To avoid doubling counting, a boolean countEmitted is used to control the accumulation of emission term, which is only set to true when the material is ideal reflection/refraction or in the top level recursion step.
  • Tone mapping: Tone mapping is used to map a high-dynamic range image to standard dynamic range image. Both Reinhard and extended Reinhard mappings are implemented, and the gamma correction is carried out on the illuminance value to reduce color shifting in tone mapping (see utils/helper.cpp/toneMap). Note that my code also automatically save a .pfm HDR image for each input for visualization.

Extra Features

Briefly explain your implementation of any extra features, provide output images, and describe what each image demonstrates.

1. Attenuate refracted paths

For refracted lights, attenuation is implemented by darkening lights that travel long distances inside an object. The attenuation value with regard to distance is calculated by 1.0 / (1 + 1.0*distance + 1.0*distance*distance) (see utils/helper.cpp/calRefractAttenuation).

The enableAttenuateRefraction flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

No attenuation Attenuated refraction
refraction.ini refraction_attenuation.ini
Place cornell_box_full_lighting.png in student_outputs/final folder

2. Depth of Field

Depth of field is implemented by pushing the image plane (where ray focus) further into the scene by focal length, and sample ray sources (i.e., camera position) from a circle which radius is determined by apeture. Corresponding functions can be found in utils/helper.cpp/calLensPoint and utils/helper.cpp/calDirection. The image shown below has the setting of aperture = 0.1f and focalLength = 6.0f, where the nearer ball is less in focus and the farther ball is more in focus. This scene may not be the best scene to show a very clear effect due to its limited depth but the difference of focus is visible.

The enableDepthOfField flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

No depth of field With depth of field
refraction.ini refraction_dof.ini

3. BRDF importance sampling

I implememented 2 BRDF importance sampling to sample rays with probability that are proportional to the high rediance contribution directions. BRDF importance sampling could reduce the noise when compared to uniform sampling in the same sampling rate.

The enableImportanceSampling flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

a. Diffuse BRDF

Importance sampling for diffuse BRDF is implemented by sampling on the hemisphere with a probability that is proportional to the cosine of the angle between the normal and incoming light. The implementation can be found in utils/helper.cpp/cosineWeightedSampleHemisphere. The comparison shown below use the eact same settings for sampling number for each pixel (50) and continuous probalities (50%). The shadow areas in the importance sampled images are cleaner than the uniform sampled one.

No importance sampling With importance sampling
.ini file name cornell_box_full_lighting_mid_probability.ini cornell_box_full_lighting_mid_probability_importance_sampling.ini
Full size
Zoom in 1
Zoom in 2
b. Glossy specular BRDF

Importance sampling for glossy specular BRDF is implemented by sampling on the hemisphere with a probability that is proportional to the n th power of the cosine of the angle between the looking direction and the reflected incoming light. The implementation can be found in utils/helper.cpp/glossySpecularSampleHemisphere. The comparison shown below use the eact same settings for sampling number for each pixel (100) and continuous probalities (90%). The shadow areas in the importance sampled images are much cleaner than the uniform sampled one.

No importance sampling With importance sampling
.ini file name glossy.ini glossy_importance_sampling.ini
Full size
Zoom in 1
Zoom in 2

4. More advanced BRDF

a. Cook-Torrance Specular BRDF

Cook-Torrance specular BRDF is implemented to enable control of the roughness of glossy specular BRDFs. The implementation can be found in utils/brdf.cpp/cookTorranceSpecularBRDF. This function uses several helpers to calculate different components of the calculation, including beckmannDistribution, geometricAttenuation, and fresnelConductor. The comparisons below show the difference of roughness when changing the alpha parameters, where the smooth one looks similar to ideal reflection and the rough one looks similar to diffusion.

The enableCookTorranceBRDF flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

Smooth Glossy Rough
alpha=1/shininess alpha=1/sqrt(shininess) alpha=0.4
b. Ward anisotropic BRDF

Ward anisotropic specular BRDF is implemented to enable control of the roughness of glossy specular BRDFs and the anisotropic specular in different directions. The implementation can be found in utils/brdf.cpp/wardAnisotropicSpecular. A helper function calculateTangentBitangent is used to calculate the anisotropic directions. The first row of comparison shows the difference of roughness when changing the alphaX and aplphaY parameters. The second row of comparison shows the difference of roughness when using drastically different alphaX and aplphaY.

The enableWardAnisotropicBRDF flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

Smooth Glossy Rough
alphaX=alphaY=1/shininess alphaX=alphaY=1/sqrt(shininess) alphaX=alphaY=0.4
Anistropic Same Anistropic
alphaX=1/shininess, alphaY=0.4 alphaX=alphaY=1/shininess alphaX=0.4, alphaY=1/shininess

5. Stratified sampling

Stratified sampling is implemented by decomposing each pixel into grids and then randomly sample in each grid to reduce discrepancy. The compation below shows only very slight improvements in the cleaniness of the shadows areas. I found it pretty hard to set of parameters for a clearer difference. The current sample per pixel is 25 and continue probability is 0.5.

The enableStratifiedSampling flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

No stratified sampling Stratified sampling
.ini file name cornell_box_low_sample_no_stratified.ini cornell_box_low_sample_stratified.ini
Full size
Shadow area 1
Shadow area 2

6. Low discrepancy sampling

Low discrepancy sampling is implemented by Halton Sequence which generates pseudo-random sampling to enable quasi-Monte-Carlo integration. The sampling settings are the same as the results shown in stratified sampling. The he compation below shows slightly cleaner shadow areas and much cleaner light areas than the the random sampling.

The enableLowDiscrepancySampling flag in the .ini file and settings is used to enable or disable this effect.

Random sampling Low discrepancy sampling
.ini file name cornell_box_low_sample_low_discrepancy.ini cornell_box_low_sample_low_discrepancy.ini
Full size
Zoom in 1
Zoom in 2


I clarify that there is no collaboration include when I do this project.

References for mathematical formulas only (no code are referenced):

Known Bugs

The main bug is the visualization of comparisons between random sampling, stratified sampling, and low discrepancy sampling. There are some slight differences but it's not very obvious. I have checked that my implementation should be correct. It's tricky to set up a scene and rendering parementeres which could show clear differences.


Physically-based renderer using Monte Carlo sampling of path tracing, which supports 6 BRDFs, soft shadows, indirect illumination, Russian roulette path termination, SDR/HDR tone mapping, attenuate refraction, stratified sampling, depth of field, low discrepancy sampling, BRDF importance sampling, etc.






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