This project has several classes which create a maze and has a GUI that displays the maze and solves the maze. The projects takes in a integer n(up to 75) and creates a solvable nxn maze. It can also take in a formated file and will construct that maze based on the contents. In order to execute the jar executable, you must have Java and JavaFX installed on your device. First, you need to download the Maze.jar file from the repository. Also download the maze.txt and maze2.txt if you want to use files as input instead of a integer. Put the .txt files and Maze.jar in a folder on your device. Go to the command line and navigate to the folder where the files are. Then run the command, java -jar Maze.jar, and the program will run. Must use valid input to run program.
This class defines fields used for the maze object and the constructor that will build the maze given a size parameter. The constructor will construct a nx4 matrix in which n is the number of rooms in the maze and 4 represents each wall of the room which will lead to an adjacent room. Walls are ordered by indexes 0=North, 1=South, 2=East, 3=West. Initially, all the values in the walls matrix is set to 1 denoting that their to no path from this room to an adjacent room. The algorithm will pick a random room and then willpick a random door and "break" down the wall to make a path through the maze. This will set an index of the walls matrix to 0 denoting a path from room i to an adjacent room j. A disjoint set is used to determine if the maze contains a pathway from room 1 to room n, hence the maze can be solved. A nx4 matrix named walls will represent a grah of the maze.
This class contains the JavaFX GUI that will display the constructed maze to the user. The GUI contains two buttons, BFS and DFS, which when pressed, will run BFS or DFS on the Graph walls and use x's to draw out a path in the maze.
This contains necessary data for creating a Queue consisting of Node objects.
This file contains the Queue object fields/methods which are used for the the BFS function.
This file contains the makings of a DisjointSet object whcih will be used to determine if there is a pathway through the maze.
This class will be used for the Queue object which is a LinkedList with specific operations.
This class contains the methods/fields that will represent a room in the maze.