ProcarPy is a Python module which allows to parse and plot the electronic band structure diagram from VASP PROCAR file.
Numpy and Matplotlib packages are required.
There is different PROCAR output format. However ProcarPy can parse and process all PROCAR files from tags below:
- LORBIT = 10 : PROCAR not decomposed (s, p, d).
- LORBIT = 11 : PROCAR lm decomposed (s, py, pz, px, dxy, dyz, ...).
- ISPIN = 2 : Spin Polarized Calculation (sup, sdown, pup, pdown, ...).
- LNONCOLLINEAR=.TRUE. : Spin-orbit coupling.
Then, with ProcarPy, the total and projected electronic band structure can be plotted.
Some tutorials have been performed to show how ProcarPy can be handled.