What's Changed
- Fix various device responses, allow GET on if.i resources by @FrankZRS in #746
- Various fixes for passing EITT tests by @FrankZRS in #747
- Add mandatory items checking for POST to /fp/* by @FrankZRS in #748
- Fix AT profile by @FrankZRS in #749
- EITT fixes by @FrankZRS in #750
- Change response status for POST /k by @FrankZRS in #751
- Fix for /fp/r and /knx/spake by @FrankZRS in #752
- EITT fixes by @FrankZRS in #753
- Add option to pass json payload to gw callback by @FrankZRS in #754
- Actually call factory_presets_cb during a reset by @FrankZRS in #756
- implement ip address tracking in MID deduplication by @tiniuclx in #755
- erase functions for iot router: by @WAvdBeek in #757
- Removes factory cb from main by @elie-elkhoury in #758
- Send read init messages after restart by @FrankZRS in #759
- enable replay protection by default by @tiniuclx in #761
- add secured flag to received & transmitted messages by @tiniuclx in #760
- add compile option for auth/at table size by @WAvdBeek in #762
- Fix for non-confirmable responses by @FrankZRS in #763
- Allow first multicast msg from unsynchronised client by @FrankZRS in #764
Full Changelog: knx_v0.7.0...knx_v0.8.0