This is a (hopefully better) remake of the original (but deprecated) sc2planner from scratch, written in React and Typescript.
You can create build orders for StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void, and this application will calculate at the time those actions can be executed.
You can find a live version here
Reaper expand into reactored hellions
A version of the 211 16 marine drop
Gateway expand into 1 gas 7 gate chargelot allin
Node is required to create this static website.
Install packages:
npm install
To test:
npm test
To start dev server:
npm run start
To deploy in /build
npm run build
Most image assets are owned by Blizzard and are used according to
©Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the Void, StarCraft, Brood War,, and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Prettify all .ts files:
prettier --write "**/*.ts"
Tasks that still need to be done, also see the issues page:
- Improve GUI looks
- Add SALT encoding and decoding
- Grey out actions / icons that are currently not available (locked by techtree)
- Sort zerg townhalls by how much larva it has (build units from hatchery first which has the most free larva)
- Sort terran production structures by:
has reactor
,has no addon
,has techlab
when trying to queue new units that do not require a techlab. - Add snapshots as described here so that you can click the time bar and it shows you the status of resources and amount of units at a certain time