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add wiki
add wiki
Requests to add a new wiki
blocker: inactive
blocker: inactive
Wiki appears to be dead, inaccessible, and/or unmaintained
blocker: low coverage
blocker: low coverage
Wiki has low coverage, particularly when compared to its Fandom/Fextralife counterpart
blocker: no https
blocker: no https
Wiki has no https support
blocker: not publicly editable
blocker: not publicly editable
There is no clear way for the public to sign up and contribute to the wiki
blocker: other
blocker: other
Unspecified issue preventing wiki from being added
blocker: too niche
blocker: too niche
Wiki may be too niche of a topic
blocker: unsupported wiki software
blocker: unsupported wiki software
Requested wikis running on software we don't yet support
Something isn't working
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Changes to existing features and functionality
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
in progress
in progress
Issue is being worked on
new feature
new feature
New feature request
non-EN wiki with no Fandom counterpart
non-EN wiki with no Fandom counterpart
Submitted non-English indie wikis that do not have a Fandom counterpart to redirect from
not done
not done
Further information is requested
waiting on dependency
waiting on dependency