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Implementation of many common data structures all written in C.

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Data Structures in C


Robust and reliable implementations of common data structures. These were developed for use in my own projects, as I wanted a way to abstract the C language a bit to make more complex projects easier to work with. Each data structure's implementation should closely match their professionally-developed counterparts. Since each structure can be passed in any data type, function pointers are (sometimes) needed to be passed into the constructor for a given structure. Some functions are optional to define and can be passed as NULL (ex. toString, if you don't need to print elements) while others are mandatory (ex. HashTable's hash function). Below is a table illustrating the caveats of each structure.

Data Structure Uses Sorted? Functions Required Thread Safe
Vector Random Access, Deque, Stack, Queue On Demand
Ω(n * log(n))
compare (optional, used for sort, remove, contains)
toString (optional, used for print)
LinkedList Deque, Stack, Queue On Demand
Θ(n * log(n))
compare (optional, used for sort)
toString (optional, used for print)
HashTable Map, Set No hash (mandatory)
equals (mandatory)
toString (optional, used for print)
Dictionary Map, Set Yes compare (mandatory)
toString (optional, used for print)

Example Uses:


#include "C-DataStructures/Vector.h"

int main()
    Vector* const deck = Vector_new(&compare, &toString);

    vect_grow_to(deck, 52);		// Not needed as the Vector grows automatically.
    // Add 52 cards to the Deck.
    for (enum card_suit suit = HEARTS; suit <= CLUBS; suit++)
        for (enum card_face face = ACE; face <= KING; face++)
            Card *c = card(face, suit);
            vect_push_back(deck, c);

    vect_shuffle(deck); // Shuffle and deck cards out to the players.
    const int PLAYERS = 6, CARDS_PER_PLAYER = 7;
    for (int i = 0; i < PLAYERS; i++)
        for (int h = 0; h < CARDS_PER_PLAYER; h++)
            Card *dealt = vect_front(deck);

    printf("There are %d cards left in the deck.\n", vect_size(deck));  // 10 Cards Left
    vect_sort(deck);                                                    // Sort the cards.
    vect_erase(deck, 5);                                                // Delete the 6th card.
    // Locate a given card.
    Card search_val = { FIVE, HEARTS };
    bool success = vect_remove(deck, &search_val);
    printf("%s%s%s\n", success ? "Removed" : "Couldn't locate", " the ", toString(&search_val));
    search_val.face = ACE;
    printf("The %s does %sexist in the deck.\n", toString(&search_val), vect_contains(deck, &search_val) ? "" : "not ");

    return 0;


#include "C-DataStructures/LinkedList.h"

int main()
    LinkedList *list = LinkedList_new(&compare, &toString);

    // Add 52 cards to the Deck.
    for (enum card_suit suit = HEARTS; suit <= CLUBS; suit++)
        for (enum card_face face = ACE; face <= KING; face++)
            Card *c = card(face, suit);
            list_push_back(deck, c);

    // Shuffle the Deck of cards.

    // Iterate over the list, starting at index 0.
    list_Iterator *iter = list_iter(list, 0);
    while (list_iter_has_next(iter))
        Card* c = list_iter_next(iter);
        // Remove any card that isn't an Ace, Jack, Queen, or King.
        if (c->face >= TWO && c->face <= TEN)

    printf("There are %u amount of cards in the list.\n", list_size(list));
    return 0;


#include "C-DataStructures/HashTable.h"

int main()
    HashTable *table = HashTable_new(&hash, &equals, &keyValueToString);

    table_grow(table, 52);  // Not needed, but welcomed if you know an ideal size.
    for (enum card_suit suit = HEARTS; suit <= CLUBS; suit++)
        for (enum card_face face = ACE; face <= KING; face++)
            Card *key = card(face, suit);
            int *value = malloc(sizeof(int));
            *value = min(face + 1, 10); // Cards in blackjack are worth 1 to 10
            table_put(table, key, value);

    printf("There are %u elements in the table.\n", table_size(table));     // prints 52

    // Removal.
    Card *c1 = card(ACE, SPADES);
    if (table_remove(table, c1))
        printf("%s was removed.\n", toString(c1));
    else printf("%s was not removed.\n", toString(c1));

    // Searching.
    if (!table_contains(table, c1))
        printf("%s no longer exists in the table.\n", toString(c1));
    Card *c2 = card(JACK, CLUBS);
    int *score = table_get(table, c2);
    printf("The %s is worth %d points.\n", toString(c2), *score);


    // Iterating
    int aces = 0;
    table_Iterator *iter = table_iter(table);
    while (table_iter_has_next(iter))
        int *value;
        Card *key = table_iter_next(iter, &value);
        if (*value == 1) aces++;
    printf("There are %d Aces left in the table.\n", aces);

    printf("The table is now empty: %s.\n", table_empty(table) ? "true" : "false");

    // Deconstruct the table.
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "C-DataStructures/Dictionary.h"

int str_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return strcmp(*(char**)p1, *(char**)p2); }
char* str_toString(const void *p) { return *(char**)p; }
char* int_toString(const void *p)
    static char buffer[25];
    sprintf(buffer, "%d", *(int*)p);
    return buffer;
char* kv_toString(const void *k, const void *v)
    static char buffer[25];
    sprintf(buffer, "<%s,%s>", str_toString(k), int_toString(v));
    return buffer;

void main()
    /* Dictionary constructor. */
    Dictionary *dict = Dictionary_new(&str_compare, &kv_toString);

    /* Add elements to the Dictionary. */
    char *name1 = "Jake", *name2 = "Max", *name3 = "Mark", *name4 = "John", *name5 = "Adam";
    int age1 = 16, age2 = 31, age3 = 24, age4 = 56, age5 = 24;
    dict_put(dict, &name1, &age1);
    dict_put(dict, &name2, &age2);
    dict_put(dict, &name3, &age3);
    dict_put(dict, &name4, &age4);
    dict_put(dict, &name5, &age5);


    char *name = "John";
    if (dict_contains(dict, &name))
        printf("%s's age is %d.\n", name, *(int*)dict_get(dict, &name));

    dict_remove(dict, &name);
    printf("There are %u mappings inside the Dictionary.\n", dict_size(dict));

    /* Loop through all mappings inside the Dictionary. */
    dict_Iterator* const iter = dict_iter(dict, PRE_ORDER);
    while (dict_iter_has_next(iter))
        void *value;
        void *key = dict_iter_next(iter, &value);
        if (*(int*)value == 24)
            printf("24 year old located: %s.\n", *(char**)key);
    /* Destroy the Dictionary when finished. */


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