(2018) Attempts to solve the Prisoner's Dilemma problem using genetic algorithms.
Table of Contents
This program was my first attempt at implementing the core concepts of genetic algorithms (fitness -> mutation/crossover -> pruning -> ↵). I would improve my understanding of these concepts when approaching a harder genetic algorithm problem: GitHub: Blackjack-Genetic (teaching agents how to play well at Blackjack using genetic algorithms).
- Python 3
usage: PrisonersDilemma.py [-h] [-p POPULATION] [-g GENERATIONS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p POPULATION Specifies the population size for the group of prisoners.
(default: 1024)
-g GENERATIONS Specifies the number of generations which should be
simulated. (default: 100)
-m MUTATION_RATE Specifies the rate in which mutations occur in each
genome. (default: 0.15)
-t TESTS Specifies the number of tests the prisoners are subjected
to per generation. (default: 10)
-s SEED Specifies the random number generator seed to be used.
(default: 1071815745)
Example Training Parameters
python PrisonersDilemma.py -g 50 -m 0.05 -t 20 -s 23915871
- Population: default (number of prisoners)
- Generations: 50 (number of iterations)
- Mutation Rate: 0.05 (chance [0.0, 1.0] for a gene to be mutated)
- Tests: 20 (number of trials to subject prisoners to the Prisoner's Dilemma)
- Seed: 23915871
~~~~~~ Generation #0 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)29.83
Average Prisoner Age 0.000
~~~~~~ Generation #1 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)30.87
Average Prisoner Age 0.500
~~~~~~ Generation #2 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)33.41
Average Prisoner Age 0.753
~~~~~~ Generation #3 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)37.82
Average Prisoner Age 0.864
~~~~~~ Generation #4 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)44.04
Average Prisoner Age 0.922
Generations #5 -> #45 Omitted (Full Output: Git Gist)
~~~~~~ Generation #45 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)96.38
Average Prisoner Age 1.183
~~~~~~ Generation #46 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)96.55
Average Prisoner Age 1.144
~~~~~~ Generation #47 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)96.75
Average Prisoner Age 1.143
~~~~~~ Generation #48 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)95.98
Average Prisoner Age 1.101
~~~~~~ Generation #49 ~~~~~~
Average Defection (%)95.69
Average Prisoner Age 1.168
- Defection rate approaches
, however poor mutations stunt further overall-progress. - Low average age is normal, due to half of the population having an age of
(new-born). However it appears as if ancestors are being culled before reaching high ages of maturity. Perhaps with far more generations, the average age would rise. - Raising the number of Prisoner's Dilemma tests per generation seems to dramatically speed up the learning process. Fewer better-performing prisoners are culled by mistake, and thus the population develops faster.
- By generation
, over90%
of the population choses to defect. Over the next35
generations, this is only refined by ~5%
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Kevin Tyrrell - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/KevinTyrrell/PrisonersDilemma-Py