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RRT Planner

Author: Kevin Ma


This package includes:

  • a map server that reads jpg/png/pgm files and publishes nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid msgs.
  • a planner based on Rapid-exploring Random Trees algorithm

How to use

Make sure you have installed SDL libraries, if not, install with the commands:

sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev

Copy the rrt_planner folder to <your_workspace>/src/, and in <your_workspace>, run:

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash

To launch everything run:

roslaunch rrt_planner planner.launch.xml [map:=<path/to/map> res:=<resolution>]

You should be able to see rviz being launched with the map being displayed at the centre.

In rviz, Use "2D Pose Estimate" to send initial position, and "2D Nav Goal" to send goal. And enjoy the planning animation!

After the planning is done, you can pick another set of init and goal directly.

To change map, you can either add the map argument in commandline (as shown above), or modify the launch/planner.launch.xml

Implementation details

map server

This map server is modified from the map_server package in ROS navigation stack. I used the image_loader library for loading images from various formats using SDL. The map_server node is modified so that no yaml file is needed and image files are directly loaded.

To run the map server alone:

rosrun rrt_planner map_server <path/to/map> [resolution]

The map is published to the topic /map as nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid

RRT planner

The RRT planner has two parts: the RRT data structure library and the planner node. The RRT implemented is the minimal vanilla RRT with some trivial heuristics biasing the goal.

The planner accepts map from /map topic, initial pose and goal from rviz. It publishes visualization markers during the planning and publishes a nav_msgs/Path msg to /path topic after it's done.

To run the planner alone:

rosrun rrt_planner planner [goal_bias] [delta]

Credit to this repo as reference for the code structure.


An implementation of a simple RRT planner in ROS.







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