This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
This PR was opened by the [Changesets release]( GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated. # Releases ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Major Changes - [#2261](#2261) [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Make NumericInput interactive without answer data ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. - [#2209](#2209) [`bd8a3b9d5`](bd8a3b9) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Update Input with Examples to use Wonderblocks Tooltip - [#2209](#2209) [`d1d5a8247`](d1d5a82) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Modernization and Migration of InputWithExamples to NumericInput folder - [#2209](#2209) [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Refactoring Numeric Input helper functions to remove underscore, improve documentation, and add tests. - [#2264](#2264) [`4eb9fe04a`](4eb9fe0) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Ensure that keyboard users can move points across invalid locations for all graphs. - [#2209](#2209) [`d1b655095`](d1b6550) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Refactoring Numeric Input to move UI-logic to functional component. ### Patch Changes - [#2263](#2263) [`4dde99856`](4dde998) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [Interactive Graph] Update protractor to new SVG - [#2209](#2209) [`4a75e6d42`](4a75e6d) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Fixing changes that did not migrate automatically while rebasing feature branch. - [#2209](#2209) [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Update aria label for whe ncontent creators do not provide one - [#2252](#2252) [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR] Update Linear System strings - [#2209](#2209) [`913551712`](9135517) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Ensure Numeric Input Tooltips display under the input. - [#2251](#2251) [`e5d17bbf2`](e5d17bb) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR] Update Linear strings - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2268](#2268) [`9d01457fc`](9d01457) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Minor dev improvements for Numeric Input after Refactor changes. - [#2254](#2254) [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6) Thanks [@benchristel](! - Internal: test that Interactive Graph widgets can render with answerless data - [#2253](#2253) [`24e2b4e45`](24e2b4e) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR] Update sinusoid strings - [#2209](#2209) [`926d42c99`](926d42c) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Bug fix to ensure that Numeric Examples only show for correct answers. - [#2231](#2231) [`08409c6c9`](08409c6) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Add tests for answerless Dropdown support - [#2209](#2209) [`b9f5f97a8`](b9f5f97) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Cleanup of Numeric Input stories - [#2250](#2250) [`f6795c2e4`](f6795c2) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR] Update Circle strings - [#2241](#2241) [`a0c897d74`](a0c897d) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Update tests and fix snapshots from feature branch rebase - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`dcf9017d9`](dcf9017), [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a), [`9d01457fc`](9d01457), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`da01542f2`](da01542), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`458d3ed60`](458d3ed), [`ee91b7063`](ee91b70), [`20a08315b`](20a0831), [`d1d5a8247`](d1d5a82), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6), [`d1b655095`](d1b6550)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Major Changes - [#2261](#2261) [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Make NumericInput interactive without answer data ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. - [#2209](#2209) [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Refactoring Numeric Input helper functions to remove underscore, improve documentation, and add tests. ### Patch Changes - [#2269](#2269) [`90034a875`](90034a8) Thanks [@benchristel](! - Bugfix: Allow null values when parsing the domain of a locked function on an Interactive Graph widget, converting them to +/-Infinity. Note that Infinity is serialized to JSON as `null`, so this preserves the existing persisted data format. - [#2255](#2255) [`b71154170`](b711541) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Bug fix for Marathi language support in getDecimalSeparator - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2254](#2254) [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6) Thanks [@benchristel](! - Internal: test that Interactive Graph widgets can render with answerless data - [#2267](#2267) [`381842745`](3818427) Thanks [@benchristel](! - Bugfix: Convert null to undefined in the `replace` field of hints. This fixes a parser error observed in production. `replace` is null in some assessment items. - [#2231](#2231) [`08409c6c9`](08409c6) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Add tests for answerless Dropdown support ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2266](#2266) [`20a08315b`](20a0831) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Bugfix: KAS handling functions around plain numbers ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - [#2252](#2252) [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR] Update Linear System strings - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. - [#2209](#2209) [`d1d5a8247`](d1d5a82) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Modernization and Migration of InputWithExamples to NumericInput folder - [#2209](#2209) [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Refactoring Numeric Input helper functions to remove underscore, improve documentation, and add tests. - [#2209](#2209) [`d1b655095`](d1b6550) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Refactoring Numeric Input to move UI-logic to functional component. ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2209](#2209) [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Fixing bug where scrollbars would appear in Math Input when right aligned. - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. - [#2265](#2265) [`e53c2ac71`](e53c2ac) Thanks [@Myranae](! - Export the ContentPreview component from perseus-editor ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2209](#2209) [`612d3b53f`](612d3b5) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Minor string update for Numeric editor - [#2256](#2256) [`68bd12587`](68bd125) Thanks [@nishasy](! - [SR Tree] Add infotip with explanation about SR Tree - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`4dde99856`](4dde998), [`4a75e6d42`](4a75e6d), [`dcf9017d9`](dcf9017), [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a), [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604), [`913551712`](9135517), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`e5d17bbf2`](e5d17bb), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a), [`9d01457fc`](9d01457), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`da01542f2`](da01542), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`24e2b4e45`](24e2b4e), [`458d3ed60`](458d3ed), [`ee91b7063`](ee91b70), [`bd8a3b9d5`](bd8a3b9), [`20a08315b`](20a0831), [`d1d5a8247`](d1d5a82), [`926d42c99`](926d42c), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6), [`b9f5f97a8`](b9f5f97), [`4eb9fe04a`](4eb9fe0), [`d1b655095`](d1b6550), [`f6795c2e4`](f6795c2), [`a0c897d74`](a0c897d)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. - [#2262](#2262) [`da01542f2`](da01542) Thanks [@Myranae](! - Add linter rule to catch images added to content without a URL ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2209](#2209) [`dcf9017d9`](dcf9017) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Bugfix to ensure that Numerics that require Improper fractions don't accept whole numbers. - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - [#2268](#2268) [`9d01457fc`](9d01457) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Minor dev improvements for Numeric Input after Refactor changes. - [#2271](#2271) [`458d3ed60`](458d3ed) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Add test for TeX in Expression scoring - [#2209](#2209) [`ee91b7063`](ee91b70) Thanks [@SonicScrewdriver](! - Bugfix to ensure users cannot create infinite loop with incomplete tex in Numeric Input - [#2266](#2266) [`20a08315b`](20a0831) Thanks [@handeyeco](! - Bugfix: KAS handling functions around plain numbers - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`20a08315b`](20a0831), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) - Updated dependencies \[[`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - [#2259](#2259) [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Minor change to how each package embeds it's package version in itself (slightly larger bundle size) ## [email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ## @khanacademy/[email protected] ### Minor Changes - [#2202](#2202) [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63) Thanks [@jeremywiebe](! - Tooling: - Switching to `pnpm`. ### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies \[[`90034a875`](90034a8), [`e7ad604af`](e7ad604), [`c7f6f63c8`](c7f6f63), [`b71154170`](b711541), [`a90cf7901`](a90cf79), [`e797a6a25`](e797a6a), [`56b4ee61b`](56b4ee6), [`da01542f2`](da01542), [`5de2e740b`](5de2e74), [`20a08315b`](20a0831), [`d1d5a8247`](d1d5a82), [`381842745`](3818427), [`c0149a1b9`](c0149a1), [`08409c6c9`](08409c6), [`d1b655095`](d1b6550)]: - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected] - @khanacademy/[email protected]
- Loading branch information