The OTA challenge bot is a helper tool to be used during CTF events through the Slack platform.
Main features :
- Tracking CTFs
- Tracking CTF challenges
- Tracking member participation in challenges
- Displaying announcements upon solving a challenge
Secondary features :
- Syscall table for arm, armthumb, x64 and x86
!ctf addctf <ctf_name>
!ctf addchallenge <challenge_name>
!ctf workon <challenge_name>
!ctf status
!ctf solve <challenge_name> [support_member]
!ctf addcreds <ctf_user> <ctf_pw> (Add credentials for ctf)
!ctf showcreds (Shows credentials for current ctf)
!syscalls available
!syscalls show <arch> <syscall name/syscall id>
!bot ping
!admin show_admins (Show a list of current admin users)
!admin add_admin <user_id> (Add an user to the admin user group)
!admin remove_admin <user_id> (Remove an user from the admin user group)
- Copy
- Fill the API token and bot name in the config.json file.
- Add your user id (slack id, not the username) to
group inconfig.json
docker build -t ota-challenge-bot .
docker run -it --rm --name live-ota-challenge-bot ota-challenge-bot
- Copy
- Fill the API token and bot name in the config.json file.
- Create a virtual env:
python3 -m venv .venv
- Enter the virtual env:
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt