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@glasserc glasserc released this 12 Oct 18:12
· 1074 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

  • Remove async/await transpilation for Firefox (#732)

New features

  • Add IDB#resetSyncStatus (#767).
  • Allow ID schemae to use the record itself when generating its ID (#727).

Bug fixes

  • Update requirements and dependencies: Sinon is now 4.0.0 or greater (#760, #748, #709), ESLint is now ^4.7.2 (#759, #757, #756, #753, #749, #746, #745, #739, #734, #721), Mocha is now 4.0.0 or greater (#768), Coveralls is now 3.0.0 or greater (#766), Prettier is now 1.7.2 (#765, #762, #751, #725, #714), esdoc-importpath-plugin is now 1.0.1 (#754, #742, #722), babel-eslint is now 8.0.0 or greater (#755), esdoc itself is now 1.0.1 or greater (#741), kinto-node-test-server is now a range dependency of ^1.0.0 (#736), uglifyify is now 4.0.1 or greater (#717), chai is 4.0.1 or greater (#712) and chai-as-promised is now 7.0.0 or greater (#715).
  • Move off of husky and lint-staged to pre-commit, because it works better on partial commits (see Kinto/kinto-admin#419) (#737, #720, #719).
  • docs: update docs to match explicit requirement on Node v6 or greater (#716, #730), add some information about use with WebSockets (#728), and note that we use Greenkeeper (#706).
  • Fix strange test failures around 2017-10-10 (#770).
  • Expose Kinto tracebacks when they occur, as we do in kinto-http (#729).
  • Add a test for Firefox bug 1376618 (#726).
  • Alphabetize a couple of object keys (#711).