Please write overview here
- Authentication with three user types: DEVELOPER, SCRUM_MASTER, and PRODUCT_OWNER.
- Simulation of Scrum processes for collaborative development.
- Frontend built with SwingUI for a user-friendly interface.
- Maven build system for project management.
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) [21]
- Maven [3.9.2]
Clone the repository:
git clone
Move to the Cloned Directory:
cd scrum-simulator
Build Maven
mvn clean install
Run the test cases: (optional)
Mac Run command:
Run the Application through SwingUI:
mvn clean install java -cp "target/classes:lib/*" org.SER.classes.ScrumGame
Username: [email protected]
password: 12345
- Kirtan Soni
- Shubham Shah
- Monil Prajapati
- Janmay Bhatt
- Neel Shah
- The authentication makes it secure by making restricted users onlyAllow Access.
- There is Simulation Game for scrum process
- It contains features for the Product backlog and SprintBacklog functionalities with helper functions.\
- There is BurntDown Chart which shows when and how much project tasks are been completed.
- There is Project Progress Bar displaying current progress percentage status.
- It contains feature for working with User Stories and managing it.
- The Database takes care of the permanent storage of Users, UserStories, backlogs, BurntDown chart and Project Progress.
- The BusinessValue and DeveloperValue are also taken into consideration in this Scrum Simulator.