Localization resource for RedEM: Roleplay
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- Translate all you resources in a single one, with this resource you can keep all your translatiosn at the same site and change it with a simple change
- You just have to use it with the resource that you want to translate see Usage for more info
Put redemrp_localization into server-data/resources/[RedEM] or [redemrp]
Open your server.cfg and put bellow command on the end of you file (it need to load the last for translate all resources)
ensure redemrp_localization
this resource provide a file for each language if there is not one for your language, create it or make a pull request.
we will take English as example:
Config.Locales["en"] = { -- code lang for the language
["redemrp_respawn"] ={ -- resource name which contain the locales names
["LocaleDead"] = "You died!", -- locales
["LocaleTimer"] = "Respawning in"
["nameOfYourResource_example"] ={ -- resource name which contain the locales names
["SomeText"] = "Translation text example!", -- locales
To work in your language you have only to change the Config.localeCode at config.lua
You have to add somewhere in your client resource (Its recommended you put it at the end of the file) a handler for "onLocaleEvent" and asing your locales variables with the given params:
--=============================================================-- Localization SECTION--=============================================================--
-- your resource should have some type of array or variables to use the locales at this case we take redemrp_respawn as example
AddEventHandler('onLocaleEvent', function(locales)
print("Loading Locales for:"..GetCurrentResourceName()) -- log printing info
locales = locales[GetCurrentResourceName()] -- get the locales for your resource
Config.LocaleDead = locales["LocaleDead"] -- we asign the locales retrieved by redemrp_localization
Config.LocaleTimer = locales["LocaleTimer"] -- we asign the locales retrieved by redemrp_localization
https://github.com/kanersps for all work he done with RedEM and RedEM Roleplay https://github.com/amakuu and https://github.com/TMMplay for all the work in RedEM Roleplay