This application allows users to search for news articles using the NewsAPI and view details of each article. Users can also bookmark articles to view later.
- Search: Users can search for news articles by entering keywords in the search bar.
- Article Details: Users can view detailed information about each article, including the title, description, date, and source.
- External Link: Users can visit the source website of an article by clicking on the "Go to Source" button.
- Bookmarking: Users can bookmark articles to save them for later viewing.
- Favorites Tab: Users can view their bookmarked articles in the Favorites tab.
- Share: Users can share article links with others.
- Swipe to delete items: Users can delete saved news articles by swiping left or right on the item in the Saved News page.
ViewModel : The ViewModel class is a business logic or screen level state holder. It exposes state to the UI and encapsulates related business logic.
Coroutines : Coroutines are used for asynchronous programming to perform network requests and database operations efficiently.
Retrofit: Retrofit is used as the HTTP client for making API requests to NewsAPI.
Glide: Glide is used for image loading and caching to display article images efficiently.
LiveData: LiveData is used to observe changes in data and update the UI accordingly.
JUnit: JUnit is used for unit testing to ensure the correctness of individual components.
MockWebServer: MockWebServer is used for mocking HTTP responses in unit tests.
Truth: Truth is used for assertions in unit tests to make test code more readable and maintainable.
Flow: Flow is used for handling streams of data asynchronously and reactively.
Hilt: Hilt is used for dependency injection to manage dependencies in a modular and maintainable way.
ViewBinding: ViewBinding is used to replace findViewById for accessing views in the layout XML files.
Jetpack Navigation: Navigation Component is used for implementing navigation between fragments.
DiffUtil : DiffUtil is used for calculating the difference between two lists efficiently, particularly in RecyclerView adapters.
Skeleton Loading : Skeleton Layout is used to show loading placeholders while content is loading.
Paging 3 : Paging library helps you load and display pages of data from a larger dataset from local storage or over a network.
Room : The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
Splash | Skeleton Loading | Feed |
Article Details | Share | Webview |
Bookmarks | Empty Bookmarks | Search |
This application incorporates the following security measures to ensure the safety of sensitive data:
Storage of Secret Keys: Secret keys are stored in the file of the application. This file is treated with special care within the project.
Usage of Proguard: The application is compiled using Proguard. This is a measure for code optimization and obfuscation, aiding in the protection of sensitive information from malicious use.