Grabs and sets Bing's wallpaper for Ubuntu
Usage: ./ [--file=FILE] [--new] [--sum] [--help] [CC]
Downloads and set latest wallpaper background from Bing homepage (
CC Two letter country code to give to Bing
--file=FILE Don't set, save to FILE instead
--new Attempts the newest wallpaper, not current one
--sum Don't download image, just summarize
--help Print this help and exit
Limitations: Only sets wallpaper with GNOME, but others still can use --file.
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Arctic Kona. All rights reserved. Version 2.0
./ --file=/tmp/wallpaper.jpg --new JP
Grabs tommorrow's wallpaper from Bing Japan and save to /tmp/wallpaper.jpg