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Merge pull request #66 from Kusitms-POPTATO-DEV/fix/create-backlog-re… #131

Merge pull request #66 from Kusitms-POPTATO-DEV/fix/create-backlog-re…

Merge pull request #66 from Kusitms-POPTATO-DEV/fix/create-backlog-re… #131

Workflow file for this run

name: Java CI with Gradle
#dev 브랜치로 pr할 때 CI 적용
branches: [ "dev" ]
types: [ opened, synchronize ]
push: # push 이벤트 발생 시
branches: # 타겟 브랜치
- dev
#build 작업
#작업이 실행될 환경 지정
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
#각 단계가 순자적으로 진행
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
#JDK 17 설치
- name: Set up JDK 17
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
java-version: '17'
distribution: 'temurin'
- name: Create main resources directory
run: mkdir -p src/main/resources
- name: Create test resources directory
run: mkdir -p src/test/resources
# main의 application.yml 생성
- name: Set Release YML File
run: |
cd ./src/main/resources
touch ./application.yml
echo "${{ secrets.APPLICATION_YML }}" > ./application.yml
# test의 data.sql 생성
- name: Set Test DATA SQL File
run: |
cd ./src/test/resources
touch ./data.sql
echo "${{ secrets.TEST_DATA_SQL }}" > ./data.sql
# test의 application.yml 생성
- name: Set Release Test YML File
run: |
cd ./src/test/resources
touch ./application.yml
echo "${{ secrets.APPLICATION_TEST_YML }}" > ./application.yml
#Gradle 설정 및 의존성 다운
- name: Setup Gradle
uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@417ae3ccd767c252f5661f1ace9f835f9654f2b5 # v3.1.0
#Permission Denied 해결
- name: Make gradlew executable
run: chmod +x ./gradlew
#빌드 작업 실행(테스트도 같이 진행)
- name: Build with Gradle Wrapper
run: ./gradlew build