based on boilerplate: Chrome Extension TypeScript Starter
Primarily use:
- document.querySelectorAll("ytd-compact-video-renderer")
- document.querySelectorAll("ytd-rich-item-renderer")
- For bubble word cloud, add hover to view what videos the words were used in. Have a poupup around the word with the thumbnails and titles of the videos.
- Might want to swap wordcloud components or just write my own
- Possibly figure out a way to grab tags?
- Add some way of tracking what a user is. It'd be kinda annoying to write a whole auth system but is probably the correct thing to do. Maybe could just use ip address as an identifier until then.
- Add a tracker for videos watched and time spent on videos. This could be a cool way to see how much time you've spent on youtube.
- Currently we don't track number of times a video has been recommended, only which have. Start tracking this.
- Add a daily viewing.
Breakup time spent browsing to time spent watching.
Word cloud as a snapshot across periods of time.
Breakdown of most common words in video titles across the last n months.
Use trends for words
"Youtube really wants me to watch these videos" - Show most recommended videos
In order to have the database track the number of times a video and word have been seen, we wipe the browser indexDB on every new page loaded.
- The indexedDb is only accessible from content_scripts and not the extension popup. This means the data is only accessible when on youtube.
- src/typescript: TypeScript source files
- src/assets: static files
- dist: Chrome Extension directory
- dist/js: Generated JavaScript files
npm install
npm run build
npm run watch
npm install
npm run dev
npm run start
npm run build
The nest start:prod is very cpu intensive and dies on my baby ec2 instance, so run build and the run node dist/main,js
npm install
npm run start:dev
npm run start:prod
npm run build
Basic Guide here:
The dist
directory after eithering building or watching will be the directory to load into chrome.
Generate SSL Certificate using lets encrypt: Host SSL server using apache: