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rodwyer100 committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent ebbf27a commit 52967ef
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Showing 8 changed files with 594 additions and 5 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions TrigScint/exampleConfigs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@

import sys
import os
import json

# we need the ldmx configuration package to construct the object

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg

# set a 'pass name'

#import all processors
from LDMX.SimCore import generators
from LDMX.SimCore import simulator
from LDMX.Biasing import filters

from LDMX.Detectors.makePath import *
from LDMX.SimCore import simcfg

#pull in command line options
nEle=4 # simulated beam electrons
outputNameString= "ldmxdetv14gap10mm_firmware.root" #sample identifier
outDir= "" #sample identifier

# Instantiate the simulator.
sim = simulator.simulator("test")

# Set the path to the detector to use (pulled from job config)
sim.setDetector( version, True )
sim.scoringPlanes = makeScoringPlanesPath(version)

outname=outputNameString #+".root"
print("NAME = " + outname)

# Set run parameters. These are all pulled from the job config
# = runNum
p.maxEvents = 100
nElectrons = nEle
beamEnergy = 4.0; #in GeV

sim.description = "Inclusive "+str(beamEnergy)+" GeV electron events, "+str(nElectrons)+"e"
#sim.randomSeeds = [ SEED1 , SEED2 ]
sim.beamSpotSmear = [20., 80., 0]

mpgGen = generators.multi( "mgpGen" ) # this is the line that actually creates the generator
mpgGen.vertex = [ -44., 0., -880. ] # mm
mpgGen.nParticles = nElectrons
mpgGen.pdgID = 11
mpgGen.enablePoisson = False #True

import math
theta = math.radians(5.45)
px = beamEnergyMeV*math.sin(theta)
py = 0.;
pz= beamEnergyMeV*math.cos(theta)
mpgGen.momentum = [ px, py, pz ]

# Set the multiparticle gun as generator
sim.generators = [ mpgGen ]

#reconstruction and vetoes

#Ecal and Hcal hardwired/geometry stuff
#import LDMX.Ecal.EcalGeometry
import LDMX.Ecal.ecal_hardcoded_conditions
from LDMX.Ecal import EcalGeometry
#egeom = EcalGeometry.EcalGeometryProvider.getInstance()
#Hcal hardwired/geometry stuff
from LDMX.Hcal import HcalGeometry
import LDMX.Hcal.hcal_hardcoded_conditions
#hgeom = HcalGeometry.HcalGeometryProvider.getInstance()

from LDMX.Ecal import digi as eDigi
from LDMX.Ecal import vetos
from LDMX.Hcal import digi as hDigi
from LDMX.Hcal import hcal

from LDMX.Recon.simpleTrigger import TriggerProcessor

from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintDigiProducer
from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintClusterProducer
from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import trigScintTrack
from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintFirmwareTracker

tsSimColls=[ "TriggerPad2SimHits", "TriggerPad3SimHits", "TriggerPad1SimHits" ]

# ecal digi chain
# ecalDigi =eDigi.EcalDigiProducer('EcalDigis')
# ecalReco =eDigi.EcalRecProducer('ecalRecon')
# ecalVeto =vetos.EcalVetoProcessor('ecalVetoBDT')

# #hcal digi chain
# hcalDigi =hDigi.HcalDigiProducer('hcalDigis')
# hcalReco =hDigi.HcalRecProducer('hcalRecon')
# hcalVeto =hcal.HcalVetoProcessor('hcalVeto')
# #hcalDigi.inputCollName="HcalSimHits"

# TS digi + clustering + track chain
tsDigisTag =TrigScintDigiProducer.pad2()
tsDigisTag.input_collection = tsSimColls[0]# +"_"+passName
tsDigisTag.input_pass_name = "sim"
tsDigisUp =TrigScintDigiProducer.pad3()
tsDigisUp.input_collection = tsSimColls[1]# +"_"+passName
tsDigisUp.input_pass_name = "sim"
tsDigisDown.input_collection = tsSimColls[2]# +"_"+passName
tsDigisDown.input_pass_name = "sim"

tsClustersTag =TrigScintClusterProducer.pad2()
tsClustersUp =TrigScintClusterProducer.pad1()
tsClustersDown =TrigScintClusterProducer.pad3()


trigScintTrack.delta_max = 0.75

trigFirm = TrigScintFirmwareTracker( "trigFirm" )
trigFirm.input_pass_name = "sim"
trigFirm.digis1_collection = "trigScintDigisPad1"
trigFirm.digis2_collection = "trigScintDigisPad2"
trigFirm.digis3_collection = "trigScintDigisPad3"
trigFirm.output_collection = "TriggerPadTracksFirmware"

from LDMX.Recon.electronCounter import ElectronCounter
eCount = ElectronCounter( nElectrons, "ElectronCounter") # first argument is number of electrons in simulation
eCount.use_simulated_electron_number = False

from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer
from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintQIEDigiProducer
from LDMX.TrigScint.trigScint import TrigScintRecHitProducer

qieDigi = TrigScintQIEDigiProducer.pad3()
rechit = TrigScintRecHitProducer.pad3()
hitFirm = TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer( "hitFirm" )
hitFirm.verbose = True

# # p.sequence=[ sim, ecalDigi, ecalReco, ecalVeto, hcalDigi, hcalReco, hcalVeto, tsDigisTag, tsDigisUp, tsDigisDown, tsClustersTag, tsClustersUp, tsClustersDown, trigScintTrack, eCount ]
# #hcal digi keeps crashing in config step
p.sequence=[ sim, tsDigisTag, tsDigisUp, tsDigisDown, tsClustersTag, tsClustersUp, tsClustersDown, trigScintTrack, trigFirm, eCount, qieDigi, rechit, hitFirm]
# p.sequence=[sim]


p.termLogLevel = 0 # default is 2 (WARNING); but then logFrequency is ignored. level 1 = INFO.

#print this many events to stdout (independent on number of events, edge case: round-off effects when not divisible. so can go up by a factor 2 or so)
if p.maxEvents < logEvents :
logEvents = p.maxEvents
p.logFrequency = int( p.maxEvents/logEvents )

json.dumps(p.parameterDump(), indent=2)

with open('parameterDump.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(p.parameterDump(), outfile, indent=4)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions TrigScint/include/TrigScint/Firmware/hitproducer.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

#include "objdef.h"

void copyHit1(Hit One, Hit Two);
void copyHit2(Hit One, Hit Two);
void hitproducer_ref(ap_uint<14> FIFO[NHITS][5], Hit outHit[NHITS],
ap_uint<8> Peds[NHITS]);
void hitproducer_hw(ap_uint<14> FIFO[NHITS][5], Hit outHit[NHITS],
ap_uint<8> Peds[NHITS]);

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion TrigScint/include/TrigScint/Firmware/objdef.h
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define OBJDEF_H

#include "ap_int.h"
#define NTIMES 6
#define NTIMES 5
#define NHITS 25
#define NCLUS 25
#define NCHAN 50
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92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions TrigScint/include/TrigScint/TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* @file TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer.h
* @brief Staging of Real Hits
* @author Lene Kristian Bryngemark, Stanford University


/* ROOT */
#include "TRandom3.h"

#include "DetDescr/TrigScintID.h"
#include "Recon/Event/EventConstants.h"
#include "Tools/NoiseGenerator.h"
#include "TrigScint/Event/TrigScintHit.h"
#include "TrigScint/Event/TrigScintQIEDigis.h"

/* Framework */
#include "Framework/Configure/Parameters.h"
#include "Framework/EventProcessor.h"

/* TrigScint */
#include "TrigScint/Firmware/objdef.h"
#include "TrigScint/SimQIE.h"

namespace trigscint {

* @class TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer
* @brief
class TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer : public framework::Producer {
TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer(const std::string& name,
framework::Process& process)
: Producer(name, process) {}

void configure(framework::config::Parameters& ps) override;

void produce(framework::Event& event) override;

* add a hit at index idx to a cluster

/// Class to set the verbosity level.
// TODO: Make use of the global verbose parameter.
bool verbose_{false};

/// Name of the input collection containing the sim hits
std::string inputCollection_;

/// Name of the pass that the input collection is on (empty string means take
/// any pass)
std::string inputPassName_;

/// Name of the output collection that will be used to stored the
/// digitized trigger scintillator hits
std::string outputCollection_;

/// SiPM gain
double gain_{1e6};

/// QIE pedestal
double pedestal_{6.0};

/// Total MeV per MIP
double mevPerMip_{1.40};

/// Total number of photoelectrons per MIP
double pePerMip_{13.5};

/// Total number of photoelectrons per MIP
int sample_of_interest_{2};

std::string testCollection_;

bool doTest_{true};

} // namespace trigscint

42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions TrigScint/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,48 @@ def pad3() :
rechit.output_collection = 'trigScintRecHitsPad3'
return rechit

class TrigScintFirmwareHitProducer(ldmxcfg.Producer) :
"""Configuration for rechit producer for Trigger Scintillators incorporating validated Firmware, regular and pileUp"""

def __init__(self,name) :

self .mev_per_mip = 0.4 #\
# >>>both are for converting edep to PEs
self.pe_per_mip = 100. #/
self.pedestal= 6.0 # QIE pedestal value (in fC)
self.gain = 1.e6 # SiPM Gain
self.input_pass_name="" #take any pass
self.verbose = False
self.sample_of_interest=2 # Sample of interest. Range 0 to 3

def pad1() :
"""Get the firmware hit producer for first pad"""
rechit = TrigScintRecHitProducer( 'trigScintFirmHitsPad1' )
rechit.input_collection = 'trigScintQIEDigisPad1'
rechit.output_collection = 'trigScintFirmHitsPad1'
rechit.test_collection = 'trigScintRecHitsPad1'
return rechit

def pad2() :
"""Get the firmware hit producer for second pad"""
rechit = TrigScintRecHitProducer( 'trigScintFirmHitsPad2' )
rechit.input_collection = 'trigScintQIEDigisPad2'
rechit.output_collection = 'trigScintFirmHitsPad2'
rechit.test_collection = 'trigScintRecHitsPad2'
return rechit

def pad3() :
"""Get the firmware hit for third pad"""
rechit = TrigScintRecHitProducer( 'trigScintFirmHitsPad3' )
rechit.input_collection = 'trigScintQIEDigisPad3'
rechit.output_collection = 'trigScintFirmHitsPad3'
rechit.test_collection= 'trigScintRecHitsPad3'
return rechit

class TrigScintClusterProducer(ldmxcfg.Producer) :
"""Configuration for cluster producer for Trigger Scintillators"""

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