This is a memory game.
- You will be presented with a grid of white cards.
- Clicking on a card will reveal the color underneath it.
- You can only reveal two cards at a time
- If the two cards are the same color, they are a match and add to your score
- Matched cards can no longer be chosen, the game ends when you have found all of the matches.
- Your time affects your score
- Hard mode: tiles change color over time! AAHHHHH
- Variable Board Size, up to 100 @ @
- Cheat Button To Show off cool board generation on the impossible ones o.o;
- Scoring: + 50 points for every match. -4 Points for every click that does not create a match
- Random Color Generation: Colors are determined by a Hue algorithm that ensures a completely random set of colors that will also be as different from each other as possible.
- Random Game Generation: New games and card positions will be randomly generated each time.
- Click a white tile to see the color under it, continue doing so until you remember where two of the same color tiles are located.
- Click both of these same colored tiles to form a match, continue doing so until there are no more matches.
- Call up everyone on your phone list to brag about your score, then hit new button to do it all over again.
- If i had the time i would make it display pictures instead of colors, Make it intriguing pictures as tiles are solved.
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