The plugins provided here comply with the requirements for third party viewers listed here.
This software is not provided or supported by Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life. For support, please join my in world group secondlife:///app/group/ac871d02-6175-64d5-6c7e-983a8a4bc112/about LordGregGreg's Group after you have watched the videos bellow.
Par provides a small handful of the features of the Emerald client, and can be used along side any viewer that connects to Second Life grids (keeping their existing functionality) (so if you are waiting for Emerald's 2.0 version, this will let you still double click tp inside SL's viewer)
Also, you may want to see the privacy policy here
Please note that most of this code was written for free and open source by the openmetaverse ninjas <3
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- Treat everyone with respect.