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Roberto Salerno edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 15 revisions

The evolving status of the analysis etc etc

For each final state, the same cfg file is always used, so that always the same parameters are sourced consistently by all the codes.

the rough QCD bkg estimate

  • assume 1.06 from SS to OS

  • no iso relaxing in shapes

  • output put in a subfolder of the corresponding analysis folder

    evalQCD.exe config/analysis_TauTau.cfg runs

    evalQCD.exe config/analysis_ETau.cfg runs

    evalQCD.exe config/analysis_MuTau.cfg runs

the first tests of QCD shape improvement

  • assume 1.06 from SS to OS

    lookAtQCD.exe config/lookAtQCD.cfg OK for TauTau

the TMVA usage in the package

  • each TMVA training has a separate section in the analysis cfg file

  • the name of the corresponding section has to be provided as input file to the trainer

  • the selections to be applied before the training have to be chosen from the file.cut

  • the weights file is saved in the "weights" folder, since the bizarre TMVA does not allow for a simple configuration of the output folder for that (at least it's very well buried in the docs, if possible)

  • the TMVA plots stay in a sub-folder of the folder of the corresponding analysis

  • TODO update addTMVA.cpp correspondingly, to read from the same cfg file the parameters

    TMVATrainingAnalysis.exe config/analysis_TauTau.cfg TauTauKine

    TMVATrainingAnalysis.exe config/analysis_MuTau.cfg MuTauKine

    TMVATrainingAnalysis.exe config/analysis_ETau.cfg ETauKine

  • to add back a resulting variable in the trees:

    addTMVA.exe config/analysis_TauTau.cfg TauTauKine weights/HTauTauTree_BDTG_TauTauKine.weights.xml

    addTMVA.exe config/analysis_MuTau.cfg MuTauKine weights/HMuTauTree_BDTG_TauTauKine.weights.xml

    addTMVA.exe config/analysis_ETau.cfg ETauKine weights/HETauTree_BDTG_TauTauKine.weights.xml