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Lak Moore edited this page Sep 9, 2017 · 15 revisions


Because sometimes just going extra isn't going far enough...

How do I make a new material?

Materials are defined by JSON files. These files can be anywhere under the config/infinitic directory, including in subdirectories if you want to organise your files more easily that way. Currently, one file can only define one material.

Note for those who would like to make config "packs": Infini-TiC will automatically read any zipfiles that are in the config directory (or subdirectories). This means you can zip all of your configs together into one easily-distributable .zip archive, and just hand that out to people. No unzipping required!

I made a file but it doesn't work!

First, please validate your JSON using an online tool like JSONLint, which can be found here:

You should ensure that your JSON validates correctly before trying again.

How do I know what the in-game items are called?

Infini-TiC can help you with that. Load up the game with Infini-TiC installed (it doesn't matter whether you have any JSON files yet or not!). With the item in your hand type /infinitic hand or /infini hand or /it hand (for short).

The name of the item, along with any OreDictionary Entries, will be shown in the chat window and also copied to your operating system's clipboard!!

Alternatively, issuing the same command with an empty hand will provide the name of the block you are looking at.

What should a material file look like?

The formatting of the file and the available parameters differ, depending upon the version of Minecraft.