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Lak Moore edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 15 revisions


Because sometimes just going extra isn't going far enough...

How do I make a new material?

Materials are defined by JSON files. These files can be anywhere under the config/infinitic directory, including in subdirectories if you want to organise your files more easily that way. Currently, one file can only define one material.

Note for those who would like to make config "packs": InfiniTiC will automatically read any zipfiles that are in the config directory (or subdirectories). This means you can zip all of your configs together into one easily-distributable .zip archive, and just hand that out to people. No unzipping required!

What should a material file look like?

    // This will be used as the name of the materials and liquid.
    // Defaults recipes will be added based on ores/ingots/blocks/
    // dusts registered in the oredict based on this name.
    "name": "adamantium",

    // This block will be shown whenever something is being smelted.
    // It is *required*!  (`renderblockMeta` is not, however,
    // and defaults to 0.)
    // (N.B. TiC has two blocks for ores being smelted and ingots/
    // blocks being smelted - InfiniTiC doesn't.  Yet.)
    "renderblock": "simpleores:adamantium_block",
    "renderblockMeta": 0,
    "renderore": "simpleores:adamantium_ore",
    "renderoreMeta": 0,

    // Smelting recipes will be added for all of the items listed
    // in the whitelist automatically.  If there is a block and
    // ingot, casting recipes will be added for the first block
    // and ingot specified.
    "whitelist": {
        // These items will be capitalised and prepended with "ore",
        // "ingot" etc, and recipes will be added for all items
        // registered in the ore dictionary under those names.
        "oredict": ["adamantite"],

        // ingots  and dust will smelt to one ingot's worth of
        // liquid.  Items are registered in minetweaker style
        // (modid:itemname[:optional_damagevalue] or ore:oredictname).
        "ingots": ["ore:ingotAdamantine"],
        "dusts": ["simpleores:adamantium_dust"],

        // Blocks will smelt to nine ingot's worth of liquid.
        "blocks": [],

        // Ores will smelt to two ingot's worth of liquid.
        "ores": []

    // The blacklist will prevent a recipe that would be added
    // by the `name` and `whitelist` combo above from being
    // added to the smeltery.  Note that while this object
    // can have all of the same keys as the `whitelist` object,
    // neither of them need to use all of the keys.
    "blacklist": {
        "oredict": ["adamantiodic_material"],
        "ores": ["simpleores:adamantium_ore"]

    // The data values that the tool will have.
    // See
    // for a rough idea of what these mean.  Note, however,
    // that a positive `stonebound` value gives a tool the 
    // stonebound effect, but a negative one will give the tool
    // a jagged effect.
    "toolData": {
        "ID": 23,
        "harvestLevel": 3,
        "durability": 43,
        "miningspeed": 5,
        "attack": 8,
        "handleModifier": 2.5,
        "reinforced": 3,
        "stonebound": 0.1,
        // This is used to define the colour of the tool,
        // and also the colour of the liquid.
        "color": "#3B5323"
        "temperature": 200,
        "drawspeed": 100,
        "projectilespeed": 1.0,
        "projectilemass": 2.0,
        "projectilefragility": 0.9 

    // The name of the material in various languages.
    // InfiniTiC currently assumes that the material, 
    // the liquid, and the tool will all have the same name.
    "localizations": [
        ["en_US", "Adamantium"]
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