Caimito, like the exotic fruit from South America is a personal project to make Sass easy, fun and customisable.
To use Caimito, do these three simple steps:
Npm -i or Npm install to add Sass and Gulp.js.
Go into gulpfile.js and edit the function
function buildStyles() {
return src('sass/**/*.scss')
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }))
.pipe(purgecss({ content: ['*.html'] }))
.pipe(dest('CSS',{ sourcemaps: true }))
function watchTask() {
watch(['sass/**/*.scss','*.html'], buildStyles)
- Start using classes from Caimito or write your customs CSS/SCSS in sass/index.SCSS
Feel free to modify this file to make it better, you can send me a pull request to improve the library.
-Created by Julio Velezmoro