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Tutorial on merging dataframes
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LaurentRDC committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent 29d7489 commit 55ef603
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Showing 2 changed files with 338 additions and 4 deletions.
83 changes: 79 additions & 4 deletions javelin-frames/src/Data/Frame.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module Data.Frame (

-- * Merging dataframes
-- ** Zipping rows in order
-- ** Merging using an index
mergeWithStrategy, matchedStrategy,
-- *** Defining your own strategies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ filterRows f = fromRows
-- Rows from each frame are matched in order; the resulting
-- frame will only contain as many rows as the shortest of
-- the two input frames
zipFramesWith :: (Frameable t1, Frameable t2, Frameable t3)
zipRowsWith :: (Frameable t1, Frameable t2, Frameable t3)
=> (Row t1 -> Row t2 -> Row t3)
-> Frame t1
-> Frame t2
-> Frame t3
zipFramesWith f xs ys
zipRowsWith f xs ys
= fromRows
$ Data.Vector.zipWith f
(toRows xs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,7 +477,82 @@ fr `iat` (rowIx, col) = (col fr) Data.Vector.!? rowIx
-- Note that (@`Key` t1 ~ `Key` t2@) means that the type of keys in
-- in both dataframes must be the same.
mergeWithStrategy :: ( Indexable t1, Indexable t2, Indexable t3
-- In the example below, we have two dataframes: one containing
-- store names, and one containing addresses. Both dataframes
-- have use a unique identification number to relate their data
-- to specific stores.
-- We want to build a summary of information about stores,
-- containing each store's name and address.
-- >>> :{
-- data Store f
-- = MkStore { storeId :: Column f Int
-- , storeName :: Column f String
-- }
-- deriving (Generic, Frameable)
-- instance Indexable Store where
-- type Key Store = Int
-- index = storeId
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- data Address f
-- = MkAddress { addressStoreId :: Column f Int
-- , addressCivicNumber :: Column f Int
-- , addressStreetName :: Column f String
-- }
-- deriving (Generic, Frameable)
-- instance Show (Row Address) where
-- show (MkAddress _ civicNum streetName) = mconcat [show civicNum, " ", streetName]
-- instance Indexable Address where
-- type Key Address = Int
-- index = addressStoreId
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- data StoreSummary f
-- = MkStoreSummary { storeSummaryName :: Column f String
-- , storeSummaryAddress :: Column f (Row Address)
-- }
-- deriving (Generic, Frameable)
-- deriving instance Show (Row StoreSummary)
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- stores = fromRows
-- [ MkStore 1 "Maxi"
-- , MkStore 2 "Metro"
-- , MkStore 3 "Sobeys"
-- , MkStore 4 "Loblaws"
-- ]
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- addresses = fromRows
-- [ MkAddress 1 1982 "14th Avenue"
-- , MkAddress 2 10 "Main Street"
-- , MkAddress 3 914 "Prima Street"
-- -- Missing address for store id 4
-- , MkAddress 5 1600 "Cosgrove Lane"
-- ]
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- putStrLn
-- $ display
-- $ mergeWithStrategy
-- (matchedStrategy (\_ store address -> MkStoreSummary (storeName store) address))
-- stores
-- addresses
-- :}
-- storeSummaryName | storeSummaryAddress
-- ---------------- | -------------------
-- "Maxi" | 1982 14th Avenue
-- "Metro" | 10 Main Street
-- "Sobeys" | 914 Prima Street
mergeWithStrategy :: ( Indexable t1, Indexable t2, Frameable t3
, Key t1 ~ Key t2
=> MergeStrategy (Key t1) t1 t2 t3
Expand Down
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions javelin-frames/src/Data/Frame/Tutorial.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ module Data.Frame.Tutorial (
-- * Advanced indexing
-- $advindexing

-- * Merging dataframes
-- $merging

) where

import Data.Frame as Frame
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.These (These(..))
import Data.Vector as Vector
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,4 +393,259 @@ Finally, we can look up George Clooney's age using `at`:
>>> actors `at` ( ("George", "Clooney"), actorAge )
Just 63

{- $merging
How can we combine two dataframes together? Two mechanisms are provided.
== Zipping
The simplest way to combine dataframes is analogous to the `zipWith` operation
for lists: two dataframes can be combined row-by-row, in order, using `zipRowsWith`.
Here is an example:
>>> data Race = Cat | Dog deriving Show
>>> :{
data Pet f
= MkPet { petName :: Column f String
, petAge :: Column f Int
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
pets = fromRows
[ MkPet "Milo" 10
, MkPet "Litchi" 4
, MkPet "Piccolo" 15
, MkPet "Cloud" 3
>>> :{
data PetInfo f
= MkPetInfo { petInfoName :: Column f String
, petInfoRace :: Column f Race
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
petInfos = fromRows
[ MkPetInfo "Milo" Cat
, MkPetInfo "Cloud" Cat
, MkPetInfo "Piccolo" Dog
, MkPetInfo "Litchi" Dog
>>> :{
data PetSummary f
= MkPetSummary { petSummaryName :: Column f String
, petSummaryAge :: Column f Int
, petSummaryRace :: Column f Race
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving instance Show (Row PetSummary)
>>> :{
$ display
$ zipRowsWith
(\(MkPet name age) (MkPetInfo _ race) -> MkPetSummary name age race)
petSummaryName | petSummaryAge | petSummaryRace
-------------- | ------------- | --------------
"Milo" | 10 | Cat
"Litchi" | 4 | Cat
"Piccolo" | 15 | Dog
"Cloud" | 3 | Dog
Hmm this doesn't look right, if you manually inspect the two source dataframes.
This is because rows are combined in order. You may want to sort rows using
`sortRowsBy` or `sortRowsByUnique`, before applying `zipRowsWith`:
>>> import Data.Function (on)
>>> :{
$ display
$ zipRowsWith
(\(MkPet name age) (MkPetInfo _ race) -> MkPetSummary name age race)
(sortRowsBy (compare `on` petName) pets)
(sortRowsBy (compare `on` petInfoName) petInfos)
petSummaryName | petSummaryAge | petSummaryRace
-------------- | ------------- | --------------
"Cloud" | 3 | Cat
"Litchi" | 4 | Dog
"Milo" | 10 | Cat
"Piccolo" | 15 | Dog
There is a more robust way to merge dataframes, if each dataframe has a natural
key (in the case above, pet names). See below.
== Merging by key
If you want to merge dataframes whose rows have a natural key (i.e. have an instance of `Indexable`),
then you should take a look at `mergeWithStrategy`.
In this function, for each key present in __either__ dataframe,
a _merging strategy_ is applied. This strategy encodes how the merge should proceed in three cases:
* The key is present in the left dataframe, but not the right;
* The key is present in the right dataframe, but not the left;
* The key is present in both dataframes.
Let's see how to make use of this functionality by combining the information
about containers being shipped. Unfortunately, the data is spotty, so
we will need to make decisions about missing data.
>>> :{
data ContainerOrigin f
= MkContainerOrigin { containerOriginId :: Column f Int
, containerOriginCountry :: Column f String
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
instance Indexable ContainerOrigin where
type Key ContainerOrigin = Int
index = containerOriginId
containerOrigins = fromRows
[ MkContainerOrigin 1 "Canada"
, MkContainerOrigin 2 "Mexico"
-- missing container origin for container #3
, MkContainerOrigin 4 "Poland"
, MkContainerOrigin 5 "N/A" -- bad data
>>> :{
data ContainerDest f -- Container destination
= MkContainerDest { containerDestId :: Column f Int
, containerDestCountry :: Column f String
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
instance Indexable ContainerDest where
type Key ContainerDest = Int
index = containerDestId
containerDests = fromRows
[ MkContainerDest 1 "Japan"
, MkContainerDest 2 "Canada"
, MkContainerDest 3 "USA"
-- missing container destination for #4
, MkContainerDest 5 "France"
We will first start by merging the dataframes only when we have complete data
(i.e. an inner join). We first define the shape of the resulting dataframe:
>>> :{
data ContainerJourney f
= MkContainerJourney { containerJourneyId :: Column f Int
, containerJourneyOrig :: Column f String
, containerJourneyDest :: Column f String
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving instance Show (Row ContainerJourney)
and define our merging strategy. The three row-wise merge cases are handled by the constructor
fro "Data.These", namely the constructors:
* `This`: The key is present in the left dataframe, but not the right;
* `That`: The key is present in the right dataframe, but not the left;
* `These`: The key is present in both dataframes (not to be confused with `These` the type).
In the simplest case, we only care about keys present in both dataframe (`These`)
>>> :{
completeDataStrategy :: Int -> These (Row ContainerOrigin) (Row ContainerDest) -> Maybe (Row ContainerJourney)
completeDataStrategy containerId (These (MkContainerOrigin _ origin) (MkContainerDest _ dest))
= Just $ MkContainerJourney containerId origin dest
completeDataStrategy _ _ = Nothing -- not enough data
Sidenote: @completeDataStrategy@ is equivalent to `matchedStrategy`. We re-defined it for illustrative purposes.
>>> :{
$ display
$ mergeWithStrategy
containerJourneyId | containerJourneyOrig | containerJourneyDest
------------------ | -------------------- | --------------------
1 | "Canada" | "Japan"
2 | "Mexico" | "Canada"
5 | "N/A" | "France"
As expected, we do not have enough information to reconstruct the journey for container 3 (no known origin)
and container 4 (no known destination).
However, container 5's origin isn't valid data. We can further tweak the merge strategy to take this into account.
We crudely define what is a valid country name:
>>> validCountry name = not (name == "N/A")
and we can now define a new merging strategy. Returning a `Nothing` result from a merging strategy
effectively cancels the merge:
>>> :{
completeDataStrategy' :: Int -> These (Row ContainerOrigin) (Row ContainerDest) -> Maybe (Row ContainerJourney)
completeDataStrategy' containerId (These (MkContainerOrigin _ origin) (MkContainerDest _ dest))
| validCountry origin && validCountry dest = Just $ MkContainerJourney containerId origin dest
| otherwise = Nothing
completeDataStrategy' _ _ = Nothing -- not enough data
>>> :{
$ display
$ mergeWithStrategy
containerJourneyId | containerJourneyOrig | containerJourneyDest
------------------ | -------------------- | --------------------
1 | "Canada" | "Japan"
2 | "Mexico" | "Canada"
What if we can tolerate some missing data? Here, we only care where the container is going, but not
necessarily its origin. Let's redefine our resulting dataframe to take this into account:
>>> :{
data PartialContainerJourney f
= MkPartialContainerJourney { partialContainerJourneyId :: Column f Int
, partialContainerJourneyOrig :: Column f (Maybe String)
, partialContainerJourneyDest :: Column f String
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving instance Show (Row PartialContainerJourney)
>>> :{
maybeOriginStrategy :: Int -> These (Row ContainerOrigin) (Row ContainerDest) -> Maybe (Row PartialContainerJourney)
maybeOriginStrategy containerId (These (MkContainerOrigin _ origin) (MkContainerDest _ dest))
| validCountry origin && validCountry dest = Just $ MkPartialContainerJourney containerId (Just origin) dest
| validCountry dest = Just $ MkPartialContainerJourney containerId Nothing dest
| otherwise = Nothing
maybeOriginStrategy containerId (That (MkContainerDest _ dest))
= Just $ MkPartialContainerJourney containerId Nothing dest
maybeOriginStrategy _ (This _) = Nothing -- we require a destination
>>> :{
$ display
$ mergeWithStrategy
partialContainerJourneyId | partialContainerJourneyOrig | partialContainerJourneyDest
------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------
1 | Just "Canada" | "Japan"
2 | Just "Mexico" | "Canada"
3 | Nothing | "USA"
5 | Nothing | "France"

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