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Basic javelin-frames tutorial
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LaurentRDC committed Jan 27, 2025
1 parent f75896a commit d46ee65
Showing 1 changed file with 287 additions and 13 deletions.
300 changes: 287 additions & 13 deletions javelin-frames/src/Data/Frame/Tutorial.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Module : $header
Expand All @@ -11,39 +12,60 @@ module Data.Frame.Tutorial (
-- * Introduction
-- $introduction

-- * Quick tour
-- $quicktour
-- * Quick start
-- $quickstart

-- * Defining types
-- $construction

-- * Advanced indexing
-- $advindexing

) where

import Data.Frame
import Data.Frame as Frame
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Vector as Vector
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

{- $introduction
This is a short user guide on how to get started using @javelin-frames@.
The central data structure at the heart of this package is the dataframe.
A dataframe, represented by @`Frame` t@ for some record-type @t@, is a
record whose values are arrays representing columns.

{- $quicktour
Let's look at a real example. First, let's get some setup out of the way. We must
activate @-XDeriveAnyClass@ to automatically derive `Frameable`:
{- $quickstart
Let's look at a real example. We'll import the "Data.Frame" module to disambiguate
some functions:
>>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
>>> import Data.Frame as Frame
and we'll import the "Data.Vector" module as well:
and we need extensions to derive instances automatically:
>>> import Data.Vector as Vector
>>> :set -XDeriveGeneric
>>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
We define
>>> :{
data Student f
data Student f
= MkStudent { studentName :: Column f String
, studentAge :: Column f Int
, studentMathGrade :: Column f Char
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance Frameable Student
-- We need to derive other instances (Show, Eq, ...)
-- separately
deriving instance Show (Row Student)
It is key to derive the instance of @`Frameable` Student@, which unlocks
almost all of the functionality of this package.
We use `fromRows` to pack individual students into a dataframe:
Expand All @@ -65,6 +87,23 @@ studentName | studentAge | studentMathGrade
"Beatrice" | 13 | 'B'
"Clara" | 12 | 'A'
== Operations on columns
A dataframe is a columnar data structure; operations on columns are very efficient.
We can query for a column using a field selector, just like a normal record:
>>> studentName students
Although the notation suggests that this is a list, columns are really `Vector`:
>>> :t (studentName students)
(studentName students) :: Vector [Char]
This means that you can use the efficient operations provided by the "Data.Vector"
module to operate on columns.
== Operations on rows
Many operations that treat a dataframe as an array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,10 +148,245 @@ Finally, there's `foldlFrame` to summarize a dataframe by using whole rows:
== Lookups
Since dataframes are highly structured, we can efficiently query
them in two flavours: querying by integer index, and querying by key.
=== Querying by integer index
Querying by integer index is supported for all dataframes. Use
the `ilookup` function to retrive a row:
>>> ilookup 0 students
Just (MkStudent {studentName = "Albert", studentAge = 12, studentMathGrade = 'C'})
>>> ilookup 2 students
Just (MkStudent {studentName = "Clara", studentAge = 12, studentMathGrade = 'A'})
>>> ilookup 1000 students
If we need the specific field of a specific row, it is much more efficient
to use `iat`:
>>> students `iat` (1, studentMathGrade)
Just 'B'
=== Querying by key
Querying by integer index may not be natural, and could be error-prone.
We can specify a column (or set of columns) that represent our
dataframe index. Just like a database table, an index speeds up
the lookup of a dataframe by key.
To do this, we must write an instance of `Indexable` for our type @Student@,
where we want to be able to efficiently search by student name:
>>> :set -XTypeFamilies
>>> :{
instance Indexable Student where
type Key Student = String
index = studentName
Now, we can use the functions `Frame.lookup` and `at` (similar to `ilookup`
and `iat`, respectively) which take key (in our case, student names)
instead of integer indices.
>>> Frame.lookup "Beatrice" students
Just (MkStudent {studentName = "Beatrice", studentAge = 13, studentMathGrade = 'B'})
>>> Frame.lookup "Vivienne" students
>>> students `at` ("Albert", studentAge)
Just 12
And there you have it! This was a quick tour. Read on to learn more details
and more advanced functionality.

{- $construction
To start using the machinery of this package, one must define the appropriate type.
Types that can be turned into dataframes are non-empty, higher-kinded record types.
In particular, every field must make use of the `Column` type family.
Let's look at an example:
>>> newtype Address = MkAddress String deriving (Show, Eq)
>>> data Merchandise = Clothes | Food | Cars deriving (Show, Eq)
>>> :{
data Store f
= MkStore { storeName :: Column f String
, storeAddress :: Column f Address
, storeId :: Column f Int
, storeMerchandise :: Column f Merchandise
deriving (Generic)
Here, we define a higher-kinded record type @Store@ with four fields.
The type parameter @f@ allows the various functions in this package
to switch between a column-oriented format and single-rows.
In practice the type @f@ can only be `Identity` (for a single row),
or `Vector` (for a dataframe)
For ergonomics, the type synonym @`Row` t@ is provided to represent a
single row. The type synonym @`Frame` t@ is provided to represent
a dataframe.
One caveat of this design is that instances (e.g. for `Show` or `Eq`)
must be defined in separate expressions:
>>> deriving instance Show (Row Store)
>>> deriving instance Eq (Row Store)
Let's consider a single @Store@:
>>> (MkStore "Maxi" (MkAddress "17 Delicious Av.") 1 Food) :: Row Store
MkStore {storeName = "Maxi", storeAddress = MkAddress "17 Delicious Av.", storeId = 1, storeMerchandise = Food}
so @`Row` Store@ is exactly what we would expect from Haskell's regular
record types.
In order to access dataframe functionality, we need to ask our code
to generate some boilerplate automatically. We do this by deriving an
instance of `Frameable`:
>>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
>>> deriving instance Frameable Store
Note that deriving an instance of `Frameable` requires that our type @Store@ have
a `Generic` instance. This allows @javelin-frames@ to inspect our type @Store@
and write an implementation of `Frameable` automatically.
== Limitations
At this time, `Frameable` can only be derived for higher-kinded record types that
do NOT nest. For example, consider the following hierarchy:
>>> :{
data Location f
= MkLocation { longitude :: Column f Double
, latitude :: Column f Double
, elevation :: Column f Double
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
data Company f
= MkCompany { companyName :: Column f String
, companyId :: Column f Int
, companyAddress :: Location f -- Nesting happens here
deriving (Generic)
The following will unfortunately fail with a potentially confusing type error:
deriving instance Frameable Company
Are you an expert in generics who wants to help us figure it out? Feel free to
[raise an issue or open a pull request](

{- $advindexing
For some record type @t@ with an instance of `Frameable`, we can query for specific
rows and elements using `ilookup` and `iat` respectively.
However, many types can naturally be indexed by a subset of the columns, which becomes a key
This key is similar to primary keys in databases.
We can derive an instance of `Indexable` to allow us to query data from a
dataframe not by the integer index of the rows, but by some key instead.
== Simple keys
The simplest example is that of keys derived from a single column.
We start with a data definition:
>>> :{
newtype Address = Addr String deriving (Show)
data Store f
= MkStore { storeName :: Column f String
, storeAddress :: Column f Address
, storeId :: Column f Int
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving instance Show (Row Store)
In this example, we assume that the @storeId@ column is unique. We will
therefore use it as a key. All we need to do is derive an instance of `Indexable`:
>>> :set -XTypeFamilies
>>> :{
instance Indexable Store where
type Key Store = Int
index = storeId
As an example, let's build a dataframe of stores:
>>> :{
stores = fromRows
$ Vector.fromList
[ MkStore "Store A" (Addr "8712 1st Avenue") 787123745
, MkStore "Store B" (Addr "90 2st Street") 188712313
, MkStore "Store C" (Addr "109 3rd Street") 910823870
Finally, we can look up @Store A@ by its unique ID using `Frame.lookup`:
>>> Frame.lookup 787123745 stores
Just (MkStore {storeName = "Store A", storeAddress = Addr "8712 1st Avenue", storeId = 787123745})
== Compound keys
Sometimes, it is preferable to identify rows through multiple columns. Again in
in analogy with databases, the key is a _compound key_.
Let's consider another example, that of movie actors:
>>> :{
data Actor f
= MkActor { actorFirstName :: Column f String
, actorLastName :: Column f String
, actorAge :: Column f Int
deriving (Generic, Frameable)
deriving instance Show (Row Actor)
In this case, we can identify actors by their first and last name,
which creates a compound key:
>>> :{
instance Indexable Actor where
type Key Actor = (String, String)
index :: Frame Actor -> Vector (Key Actor)
index = <$> actorFirstName <*> actorLastName
We define some data
>>> :{
actors = fromRows
$ Vector.fromList
[ MkActor "George" "Clooney" 63
, MkActor "Brad" "Pitt" 61
, MkActor "George" "Takei" 87
Finally, we can look up George Clooney's age using `at`:
>>> actors `at` ( ("George", "Clooney"), actorAge )
Just 63

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