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EssentialsPE API
has an incredible amount of features, but the main on what those features work is because of its easy to use API. EssentialsPE
provides a custom API for external developers to make it easy to integrate this awesome plugin with other projects for PocketMine-MP
Please visit the THIS LINK to see how does our developers like to access this API:
Here you have a cheat sheet of the different sections of the API, each one of them point to different type of uses; from AFK status, to Vanishing players on the server.
Section | Usage |
General | Some functions that doesn't have a special category, but they're useful anyways |
Sessions | Manage player's session features like AFK , God or Vanish modes |
AFK | Manage the different features of the Aways of The Keyboard status |
Back | Let a player go back to the last position before any teleport |
Economy | EssentialsPE's basic economy functions |
Entities | EssentialsPE's special management of entities |
God mode | Makes a player invincible |
Homes | Manage custom private locations for a player |
Kits | Basic implementation of Kits in EssentialsPE |
Mute | Ban anyone from the chat |
Nicks | Manage custom display names for a player |
PowerTool | Manage custom commands or chat macros assigned to a specific item (per player) |
Player vs Player (PvP ) |
Let (or not) players fight with others |
Teleport Requests | Manage the different types of teleport requests between two players (or a list of players) |
Unlimited mode | Allow players to place unlimited blocks |
Vanish mode | Makes a player invisible to others |
Warps | Manage custom global locations for the server |
Let you search for a player by its name or nick.- Paramerers:
Player name (string)
A string containing the name/nick of the player to search for. - Return:
False if the player isn't found. -
Player Object
The player that was found.
- Paramerers:
colorMessage($message, $player = null)
Replace color codes inside a message with a real colored message.- Parameters:
Message (string)
The string to color. -
Player name (string) [OPTIONAL]
The player to test the permissionessentials.colorchat
- Return:
If the player (if specified) doesn't has permission to use colored messages. -
The message with real color codes.
- Parameters:
Tell if an item can be repaired.- Parameters:
Item Object
The item to work over. - Return:
True if the item specified is reparable, False if not.
- Parameters:
getNearPlayers(Player $player, $radius = null)
Show the nears player to the target one.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Radius (integer) [OPTIONAL]
The radius to scan.
- Return:
False if the radius specified isn't an integer. -
an array with all the players found... in Objects.
- Parameters:
setPlayerTime($player, $time, $static = false)
Sets the player time. (Dawn, day, noon, night, etc...)- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Time (integer)
The time to set (in ticks). -
Static (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
If the time to set will be static or can flow.
- Return:
True if the packet was sent correctly, False if one of the arguments isn't valid.
- Parameters:
Gets an item by name, and supports Metadata too!- Parameters:
Item Name (string)
The item name to look for. You can also add metadata for this parameter, the function separates the Item ID/Name and the Metadata with a ':', for example, if I want to get a Granite block, I should assign the item name parameter has: '1:1' or 'stone:1'
- Return:
Item Object
/Block Item Object
if the item was found. -
False if the Item was not found.
- Parameters:
Tells if a session exists for a specific player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
True if the Session exists, False if doesn't.
- Parameters:
Creates a new session for a player using the configuration needed.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
- Parameters:
Removes an existing session of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
- Parameters:
Tells if a player is Away From the Keyboard.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
True if it's AFK, False if not.
- Parameters:
setAFK($player, $state, $broadcast = true)
Set the AFK status of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The state to set: True will activate it, False will deactivate it. -
Broadcast (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
Allow to broadcast (or not) the status change.
- Return:
True if successfully set AFK to the player, False if not.
- Parameters:
switchAFKMode($player, $broadcast = true)
Automatically switch the AFK status. Activate it if isn't activated and vice versa.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Broadcast (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
Allow to broadcast (or not) the status change.
- Return:
- Parameters:
Get the last player position. (Doesn't include Rotation)- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
Get the last player rotation. (Obviously doesn't include Position 😜)- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setLastPlayerPosition($player, $pos, $yaw, $pitch)
Saves the last position and rotation of a player before teleporting.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Position Object
The position to save. -
Yaw (integer)
The X-axis rotation to save. -
Pitch (integer)
The Y-axis rotation to save.
- Parameters:
Removes the last know position of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
Teleports the player back to the last known spot.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
Gets the default balance for new players.- Parameters: Null.
- Return:
Balance (integer)
The default balance specified in the config file.
Gets the max balance that a player can own.- Parameters: Null.
- Return:
Balance (integer)
The max balance specified in the config file.
Gets the minimum balance that a player can own.- Parameters: Null.
- Return:
Balance (integer)
The minium balance specified in the config file.
Return the currency symbol used for balances.- Parameters: Null.
- Return:
Symbol (string)
The symbol to use for currency.
Get the current balance of a player.- Parameters:
Player $player
The player to work over. - Return:
Balance (integer)
The player current balance.
- Parameters:
setPlayerBalance($player, $balance)
Modify a player's balance.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Balance (integer)
The new balance to set.
- Return:
- Parameters:
addToPlayerBalance($player, $balance)
Add a quantity to a player's balance (Support negative values too!)- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Balance (integer)
The balance to add to player's actual balance; if you want to subtract, just specify a negative value 😉 .
- Return
- Parameters:
Get the worth of an item.- Parameters:
ItemId (integer)
The Item ID to work over. - Return:
False if the worth is not available. -
Worth (integer)
The item worth if found.
- Parameters:
setItemWorth($itemId, $worth)
Modify an Item's worth.- Parameters:
ItemId (integer)
The Item ID to work over. -
Worth (integer)
The worth to set.
- Return
- Parameters:
sellPlayerItem($player, $item, $amount = null)
Takes an item from a player's inventory, sell it and add the corresponding worth to the player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Item Object
The item to take. -
The amount of items to take.
- Return:
False If the player doesn't have the item, or the amount specified. -
Worth (integer)
The worth obtained from the item. -
Array (Amount [integer], Worth [integer])
The amount of items sold and the worth obtained.
- Parameters:
Spawn a carpet of bomb around the specified player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
- Parameters:
Spawn a live TNT at the spot that the specified player is looking at.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
- Parameters:
Spawn live TNT at the position specified.- Parameters:
Position Object
The position ot work over. - Return:
- Parameters:
Tell if a player has its God mode active- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
True if the player is in God mode, False if not.
- Parameters:
setGodMode($player, $state)
Set the God mode of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The mode to set: True will activate it, False will deactivate it.
- Return:
True if the mode was successfully updated, False if not.
- Parameters:
Automatically switch the God mode. Activate it if isn't activated and vice versa.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return: `Void``.
- Parameters:
homeExists($player, $home)
Tell if a player has a home with that name.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Home (string)
The home name to check.
- Return:
True if the player has a home with that name, False if not.
- Parameters:
getHome($player, $home)
Get a home's information.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Home (string)
The home to check.
- Return:
False if the home doesn't exists or if the home level doesn't exists. -
Array (Position Object, Yaw [integer], Pitch [integer])
The home information.
- Parameters:
setHome($player, $home, $pos, $yaw = 0, $pitch = 0)
Creates a new home or updates an existing one with the specified information.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Home (string)
The home name. -
Position Object
The XYZ coordinates and Level for the home. -
Yaw (integer) [OPTIONAL]
The X-Axis direction to set. -
Pitch (integer) [OPTIONAL]
The Y-Axis direction to set.
- Parameters:
removeHome($player, $home)
Removes a home.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Home (string)
The home to remove.
- Return:
True if the home successfully was removed, False if the home doesn't exists or wan't removed.
- Parameters:
homeList($player, $inArray = false)
Get a list of homes that a player has.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
InArray (boolean)
Specify if you want the list as an Array or a String.
- Return:
Home List (array)
An array with the homes list. -
Home List (string)
A string with the homes list.
- Parameters:
Tell if a kit exists.- Parameters:
Kit (string)
The kit to check. - Return:
True if the kit exists, False if not.
- Parameters:
Get kit's item list.- Parameters:
Kit (string)
The kit to get. - Return:
False if the it doesn't exists. -
Item List (array)
The list of items.
- Parameters:
kitList($inArray = false)
Get a list of all the available kits.- Parameters:
InArray (boolean)
Specify if you want to get the list as an Array or a String. - Return:
Kit List (array)
An array with the kit list. -
Kit List (string)
A string with the kit list.
- Parameters:
Tell if a player is Muted or not.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setMuted($player $state)
Set the Mute state of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The state to set: True will mute the player, False will unmute.
- Parameters:
Automatically switch the Mute state of a player. Activate it if isn't activated and vice versa.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setNick($player, $nick, $save = true)
Set's the DisplayName (aka Nick) for a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Nick (string)
The nick to set. -
Save (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
Saves the nick, or not.
- Return:
True if the nick was successfully changed, False if not.
- Parameters:
removeNick($Player, $save = true)
Removes the DisplayeName (aka Nick) of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
Save (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
Saves the new nick (in this case, it's removed).
- Return:
True if the nick was successfully removed, False if not.
- Parameters:
Get the nick of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. - Return:
Nick/Name (string)
The player nick (if available, if not, it will return the player name).
- Parameters:
Tell if a player has PvP enabled.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setPvP($player, $state)
Set the PvP state of a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The state to set: True will enable PvP, False will disable it.
- Parameters:
Automatically switch the Mute state of a player. Activate it if isn't activated and vice versa.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
Tell if the Unlimited placing of Blocks is enabled.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setUnlimited($player, $state)
Set the state of the Unlimited mode.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The state to set: True will enable it, False will disable it.
- Parameters:
Automatically switch the Unlimited mode. Activate it if isn't activated and vice versa. Parameters:Player Object
The player to work over.
Tell if a player is vanished.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over.
- Parameters:
setVanish($player, $state)
Vanish or unvanish a player.- Parameters:
Player Object
The player to work over. -
State (boolean)
The state to set: True will vanish the player, False will unvanish.
- Parameters:
Tell if a warp exists.- Parameters:
Warp (string)
The warp to search for. - Return:
True if the warp exists, False if not.
- Parameters:
Get a warp information, if exists.- Parameters:
Warp (string)
The warp to search for. - Return:
: False if the warp does't exists. -
Array (Position Object, Yaw [integer], Pitch [integer])
The warp information.
- Parameters:
setWarp($warp, $pos, $yaw = 0, $pitch = 0)
Creates or updates a warp.- Parameters:
Warp (string)
The warp to create or update. -
Position Object
The desired position for the warp. -
Yaw (integer) [OPTIONAL]
The X-Axis direction to set. -
Pitch (integer) [OPTIONAL]
The Y-Axis direction to set.
- Return:
True if the warp was successfully created or updated, False if not.
- Parameters:
Removes a warp from the server.- Parameters:
Warp (string)
The warp to remove. - Return:
True if the warp was successfully removed, False if not or the warp doesn't exists.
- Parameters:
warpList($inArray = false)
Get a list of all the available warps in the server.- Parameters:
InArray (boolean) [OPTIONAL]
Specify if yo want to get the list as an array or a string. - Return:
Warp List (array)
An array with the warp list. -
Warp List (string)
A string with the warp list.
- Parameters:
Copyright © LegendOfMCPE 2016
- Home
- Features
- Command List
- Permission Node List
- General
- Sessions
- AFK mode
- Back
- Economy
- Entities
- God mode
- Homes
- Kits
- Mute
- Nicks
- PowerTool
- Player vs Player (
) - Teleport Requests
- Unlimited mode
- Vanish mode
- Warps
- Special Signs