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Example: some basic stuff for a signald plugin
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Kerl13 committed Dec 19, 2020
1 parent eccb2cc commit c008276
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Showing 2 changed files with 140 additions and 10 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion example/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
(language c)
(names description)
(flags -fPIC))
(libraries weechat_api weechat_plugin unix))
(libraries weechat_api weechat_plugin unix yojson))
148 changes: 139 additions & 9 deletions example/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,44 @@
open Weechat_api

module List = struct
include List

let rec iter_opt f = function
| [] -> Some ()
| x :: xs ->
match f x with
| None -> None
| Some () -> iter_opt f xs

module Parsing = struct
let as_assoc = function
| `Assoc assoc -> Some assoc
| _ -> None

let as_string = function
| `String s -> Some s
| _ -> None

let as_list = function
| `List l -> Some l
| _ -> None

(* For nicer error handling *)

let (>>=) = Option.bind
let (let*) x f = Option.bind x f
let (let+) x f = f x
let (and+) x y =
match x, y with
| Some x, Some y -> Some (x, y)
| _ -> None

let log = open_out "/tmp/weechat_signal.log" |> Format.formatter_of_out_channel
let log args =
Format.fprintf log args
Expand All @@ -9,6 +47,32 @@ let log args =
module Signald = struct
type t = {socket: Unix.file_descr; ic: in_channel}

exception SignalErr of string
let error fmt = Format.kasprintf (fun s -> raise (SignalErr s)) fmt

let username = ref ""

module Group = struct
type version = V1 | V2
type t = {
version: version;
title: string;
id: string;

let parse_v1 payload =
let* assoc = Parsing.as_assoc payload in
let+ title = List.assoc_opt "name" assoc >>= Parsing.as_string
and+ id = List.assoc_opt "groupId" assoc >>= Parsing.as_string in
{title; version = V1; id}

let parse_v2 payload =
let* assoc = Parsing.as_assoc payload in
let+ title = List.assoc_opt "title" assoc >>= Parsing.as_string
and+ id = List.assoc_opt "id" assoc >>= Parsing.as_string in
{title; version = V2; id}

let make socket =
let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr socket in
{socket; ic}
Expand All @@ -17,14 +81,23 @@ module Signald = struct
(fun s -> log "Sending: %s@." s;
let _ = Unix.write_substring t.socket s 0 (String.length s) in
let _ = Unix.write_substring t.socket "\n" 0 1 in

let subscribe t (number: string) =
send t {|{"type": "subscribe", "username": %s}|} number
username := number;
send t {|{"type": "subscribe", "username": "%s"}|} number

let list_groups t (number: string) =
send t {|{"type": "list_groups", "username": "%s"}|} number

let close t = close_in t.ic

let groups = Hashtbl.create 19

let init_signald path =
let socket = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in
let rec try_connect retry =
Expand All @@ -37,10 +110,57 @@ let init_signald path =
try_connect 1;
Signald.make socket

let update_group_list payload =
let okv1 =
match List.assoc_opt "groups" payload with
| None -> Some ()
| Some gv1 ->
let* gv1 = Parsing.as_list gv1 in
(fun g ->
let+ g = Signald.Group.parse_v1 g in
if not (Hashtbl.mem groups then
Hashtbl.add groups g)
and okv2 =
match List.assoc_opt "groupsv2" payload with
| None -> Some ()
| Some gv2 ->
let* gv2 = Parsing.as_list gv2 in
(fun g ->
let+ g = Signald.Group.parse_v2 g in
if not (Hashtbl.mem groups then
Hashtbl.add groups g)
match okv1, okv2 with
| Some (), Some () -> Some ()
| _ -> None

let show_group_list buffer =
(fun _ (g: Signald.Group.t) ->
Weechat.printf buffer "[%s] %s\n" g.title)

let process_line main_buffer line =
let payload = Yojson.Basic.from_string line in
let* assoc = Parsing.as_assoc payload in
let* typ = List.assoc_opt "type" assoc >>= Parsing.as_string in
match typ with
| "group_list" ->
let* data = List.assoc_opt "data" assoc in
let* data = Parsing.as_assoc data in
let* () = update_group_list data in
Some (show_group_list main_buffer)
| _ -> None
let process_line main_buffer line =
(* Match on line["type"] here *)
Weechat.printf main_buffer "Unhandled input: %s" line;
match process_line main_buffer line with
| Some () -> 0
| None ->
Weechat.printf main_buffer "unhandled message from signald: %s" line;

let plugin_init () =
let signald_buffer = Weechat.buffer_new
Expand All @@ -54,12 +174,22 @@ let plugin_init () =
let signald = init_signald "/run/signald/signald.sock" in

let _ = Weechat.hook_command
"Start receiving messages for a given number"
"number: phone number for which to receive messages"
"Interact with weechat-ocaml-signal"
"list groups | subscribe NUMBER"
(fun _ argv _ -> Signald.subscribe signald argv.(1); 0)
(fun _ argv _ ->
if Array.length argv != 3 then -1
match argv.(1), argv.(2) with
| "list", "groups" ->
Signald.list_groups signald !Signald.username;
| "subscribe", username ->
Signald.subscribe signald username;
| _ -> -1)

let _ = Weechat.hook_fd
Expand Down

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