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Licenser edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

clj-sandbox uses a black and whitelist system to decide wether code is allowed. This system was chosen for a maximal amount of security. A form passed to the sandbox will go the following path:

form → whitelists (must hit at least one whitelist) → blacklists (must not hit any blacklist) → OK

This allows that you whitelist entire namespaces and then blacklist certain functions, not forcing people to whitelist a gazillion functions when you want all but one single function from a namespace. Lists are used to build testers.

creating lists

You can create either a black or a whitelist from any matcher functions, or multiple matcher functions.

(whitelist (namespace-matcher 'clojure.core)) (blacklist (function-matcher 'map) (function-matcher 'reduce))

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