论文: CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization
论文: Self-Supervised Predictive Convolutional Attentive Block for Anomaly Detection
参考repo: sspcab
参考repo: pytorch-cutpaste
MVTec AD是MVtec公司提出的一个用于异常检测的数据集。与之前的异常检测数据集不同,该数据集模仿了工业实际生产场景,并且主要用于unsupervised anomaly detection。数据集为异常区域都提供了像素级标注,是一个全面的、包含多种物体、多种异常的数据集。数据集包含不同领域中的五种纹理以及十种物体,且训练集中只包含正常样本,测试集中包含正常样本与缺陷样本,因此需要使用无监督方法学习正常样本的特征表示,并用其检测缺陷样本。
数据集下载链接:AiStudio数据集 解压到data文件夹下
defect_type | CutPaste(3-way)+SSPCAB(复现) | CutPaste(3-way)+SSPCAB | CutPaste (3-way) |
bottle | 100.0 | 98.6 | 98.3 |
cable | 90.7 | 82.9 | 80.6 |
capsule | 93.0 | 98.1 | 96.2 |
carpet | 90.1 | 90.7 | 93.1 |
grid | 100.0 | 99.9 | 99.9 |
hazelnut | 99.6 | 98.3 | 97.3 |
leather | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 |
metal_nut | 98.2 | 100.0 | 99.3 |
pill | 94.8 | 95.3 | 92.4 |
screw | 81.1 | 90.8 | 86.3 |
tile | 99.3 | 94.0 | 93.4 |
toothbrush | 99.4 | 98.8 | 98.3 |
transistor | 98.5 | 96.5 | 95.5 |
wood | 100.0 | 99.2 | 98.6 |
zipper | 100.0 | 98.1 | 99.4 |
average | 96.3 | 96.1 | 95.2 |
|--images # 测试使用的样例图片,两张
|--deploy # 预测部署相关
|--export_model.py # 导出模型
|--infer.py # 部署预测
|--data # 训练和测试数据集
|--lite_data # 自建立的小数据集,含有bottle
|--logdirs # 训练train和测试eval打印的日志信息
|--eval # eval输出文件
|--models # 训练的模型权值
|--test_tipc # tipc代码
|--tools # 工具类文件
|--cutpaste.py # 论文代码
|--dataset.py # 数据加载
|--density.py # 高斯聚类代码
|--model.py # 论文模型
|--predict.py # 预测代码
|--eval.py # 评估代码
|--train.py # 训练代码
|----README.md # 用户手册
- 框架:
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.3.1
- 环境配置:使用
pip install -r requirement.txt
- 全量数据训练:
- 数据集下载链接:AiStudio数据集 解压到data文件夹下
- 少量数据训练:
- 无需下载数据集,直接使用lite_data里的数据
- 全量数据训练:
python train.py --type all --batch_size 96 --test_epochs 10 --head_layer 1 --seed 102
- 少量数据训练:
python train.py --data_dir lite_data --type bottle --epochs 10 --test_epochs 5 --batch_size 5
- 部分训练日志如下所示:
Type : bottle Train [ Epoch 1/500 ], loss: 1.3306, avg_reader_cost: 1.2196 avg_batch_cost: 3.4922, avg_ips: 27.4898.
Type : bottle Train [ Epoch 2/500 ], loss: 0.9671, avg_reader_cost: 1.0007 avg_batch_cost: 1.3481, avg_ips: 71.2094.
Type : bottle Train [ Epoch 3/500 ], loss: 0.7691, avg_reader_cost: 1.1231 avg_batch_cost: 1.4709, avg_ips: 65.2671.
Type : bottle Train [ Epoch 4/500 ], loss: 0.6155, avg_reader_cost: 1.2133 avg_batch_cost: 1.5619, avg_ips: 61.4622.
Type : bottle Train [ Epoch 5/500 ], loss: 0.5655, avg_reader_cost: 1.1475 avg_batch_cost: 1.4872, avg_ips: 64.5512.
可以将训练好的模型权重下载 解压为models文件放在本repo/下,直接对模型评估和预测
- 全量数据模型评估:
python eval.py --type all --data_dir data --head_layer 8 --density paddle
- 少量数据模型评估:
python eval.py --data_dir lite_data --type bottle
- 模型预测:
python predict.py --data_type bottle --img_file images/good.png
预测结果为:正常 预测分数为:26.2237
- 基于推理引擎的模型预测:
python deploy/export_model.py
python deploy/infer.py --data_type bottle --img_path images/good.png
> python deploy/export_model.py
inference model has been saved into deploy
> python deploy/infer.py --data_type bottle --img_path images/good.png
image_name: images/good.png, data is normal, score is 26.223722457885742, threshold is 51.2691650390625
- tipc 所有代码一键测试命令(少量数集)
bash test_tipc/test_train_inference_python.sh test_tipc/configs/resnet18/train_infer_python.txt lite_train_lite_infer
[33m Run successfully with command - python train.py --test_epochs=3 --data_dir=lite_data --type=bottle --model_dir=test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --model_dir=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --epochs=3 --batch_size=5! [0m
[33m Run successfully with command - python eval.py --data_dir=lite_data --type=bottle --model_dir=test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --pretrained=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0/! [0m
[33m Run successfully with command - python deploy/export_model.py --model_path=test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --data_type=bottle --pretrained=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0/ --save_inference_dir=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0! [0m
[33m Run successfully with command - python deploy/infer.py --use_gpu=True --model_dir=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --batch_size=1 --data_type=bottle > ./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/python_infer_gpu_batchsize_1.log 2>&1 ! [0m
[33m Run successfully with command - python deploy/infer.py --use_gpu=False --model_dir=./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0 --batch_size=1 --data_type=bottle > ./test_tipc/output/resnet18/lite_train_lite_infer/python_infer_cpu_batchsize_1.log 2>&1 ! [0m
本项目的发布受Apache 2.0 license许可认证。
信息 | 描述 |
作者 | Lieber |
日期 | 2022年8月 |
框架版本 | PaddlePaddle==2.3.1 |
应用场景 | 异常检测 |
硬件支持 | GPU、CPU |
在线体验 | notebook |