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Linuxfabrik: Compile and Package #7

Linuxfabrik: Compile and Package

Linuxfabrik: Compile and Package #7

Workflow file for this run

name: 'Linuxfabrik: Compile and Package'
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
# push:
# tags:
# - '*'
# Allows running this workflow manually from the Actions tab
description: 'The version ("major.minor.patch"). If ommitted, revision is auto-incremented.'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'The branch, tag or SHA to checkout from the lib repo. Defaults to the current branch or tag.'
required: false
default: ''
# package-iteration:
# description: 'The iteration to give to the package. RPM calls this the ‘release’. FreeBSD calls it ‘PORTREVISION’. Debian calls this ‘debian_revision’'
# required: false
# default: '1'
description: 'Comma-separated list of operating systems to build on. Supported: `debian11,debian12,rocky8,rocky9,ubuntu2004,ubuntu2204,ubuntu2404,windows`.'
required: false
default: 'debian11,debian12,rocky8,rocky9,ubuntu2004,ubuntu2204,ubuntu2404,windows'
description: 'If you only want to compile a specific check plugin, specify its name, for example `xml`, otherwise leave empty to build all plugins.'
required: false
default: ''
description: 'Comma-separated list of Architecture to build on. Supported: `X64,ARM64`.'
required: false
default: 'X64,ARM64'
# we use this to get a (mostly) unique directory, therefore avoiding folder collisions when multiple workflows are running
BASE_DIR: '${{ github.sha }}_${{ github.run_id }}_${{ github.run_attempt }}'
# modify the default permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN
contents: 'read'
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
- 'ubuntu-24.04'
- 'ubuntu-24.04-arm'
- name: 'Debug Environment and Inputs'
run: >
BASE_DIR=${{ env.BASE_DIR }}
arch=${{ inputs.arch }}
check-plugin=${{ inputs.check-plugin }}
distros=${{ inputs.distros }}
lib-repo-ref=${{ inputs.lib-repo-ref }}
package-iteration=${{ inputs.package-iteration }}
# set-matrix:
# runs-on:
# - 'ubuntu-24.04'
# - 'ubuntu-24.04-arm'
# outputs:
# matrix: '${{ steps.generate-matrix.outputs.matrix }}'
# steps:
# - name: 'Generate Matrix'
# id: 'generate-matrix'
# run: |
# distros="${{ inputs.distros }}"
# matrix=$(echo "$distros" | jq --compact-output --raw-input '{"distros": split(",")}')
# echo "matrix=$matrix" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# linux-preparations:
# runs-on:
# - 'ubuntu-24.04'
# - 'ubuntu-24.04-arm'
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'git checkout'
# uses: 'actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683' # v4.2.2
# with:
# path: '${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/repos/monitoring-plugins'
# - name: 'git checkout'
# uses: 'actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683' # v4.2.2
# with:
# repository: 'Linuxfabrik/lib'
# ref: '${{ inputs.lib-repo-ref || github.ref_name }}'
# path: '${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/repos/lib'
# - name: 'mkdir -p ${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build'
# run: 'mkdir -p ${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build'
# linux-build-packages:
# runs-on:
# - 'ubuntu-24.04'
# - 'ubuntu-24.04-arm'
# needs:
# - 'set-matrix'
# - 'linux-preparations'
# strategy:
# matrix:
# distro: '${{ fromJson(needs.set-matrix.outputs.matrix).distros }}'
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'mkdir -p ${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build/${{ matrix.distro }}'
# run: 'mkdir -p ${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build/${{ matrix.distro }}'
# # On ARM, the above directory creation is successful, but is often not physically created
# - name: 'Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage'
# run: 'sync'
# - name: 'Build the container for ${{ matrix.distro }}'
# run: >
# podman build
# --file "${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/repos/monitoring-plugins/build/${{ matrix.distro }}/Containerfile"
# --tag "lfmp-build-${{ matrix.distro }}"
# - name: 'Build the packages for ${{ matrix.distro }}'
# run: >
# podman run
# --rm
# --mount type=bind,source=${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build/${{ matrix.distro }},destination=/build,relabel=private
# --mount type=bind,source=${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/repos,destination=/repos,relabel=shared,ro=true
# "lfmp-build-${{ matrix.distro }}"
# /bin/bash -x
# /repos/monitoring-plugins/build/${{ matrix.distro }}/
# ${{ inputs.package-version || github.ref_name }}
# ${{ inputs.package-iteration || '1' }}
# ${{ inputs.check-plugin || '' }}
# # this would not work on the Github-hosted runners, as each job is isolated there,
# # but works when self-hosted (since there are no parallel jobs)
# upload-outputs:
# runs-on:
# - 'ubuntu-24.04'
# - 'ubuntu-24.04-arm'
# needs: # we want this to run after the build jobs
# - 'linux-build-packages'
# # if: '${{ always() }}' # however, we want to upload the artifacts even if one of the job fails
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'Upload build output as artifact for packaging later on'
# uses: 'actions/upload-artifact@65c4c4a1ddee5b72f698fdd19549f0f0fb45cf08' # v4.6.0
# with:
# name: "monitoring-plugins-linux-${{ inputs.arch || 'X64' }}"
# path: '${{ env.BASE_DIR }}/build/'
# create-list-of-checks-for-windows:
# runs-on:
# - 'ubuntu-24.04'
# outputs:
# monitoring_plugin_list_json: '${{}}'
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'git checkout'
# uses: 'actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683' # v4.2.2
# - name: 'create list of windows checks'
# run: |
# for dir in check-plugins/*; do
# check=$(basename $dir)
# if [ -e $dir/.windows ]; then
# echo $check >> /tmp/windows-checks
# echo "'$check'," >> /tmp/windows-checks-ps-list
# fi
# done
# - name: 'save the list as json'
# id: 'save-json'
# #
# run: |
# EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
# echo "monitoring_plugin_list_json<<$EOF" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# cat /tmp/windows-checks | jq -R -s -c 'split("\n")[:-1]' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "$EOF" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# compile-on-windows:
# runs-on:
# - 'windows-2025'
# needs:
# - 'build-windows-get-list'
# strategy:
# matrix:
# check: '${{ fromJson( }}'
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'git checkout'
# uses: 'actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683' # v4.2.2
# with:
# # Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository
# path: 'monitoring-plugins'
# - name: 'git checkout'
# uses: 'actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683' # v4.2.2
# with:
# repository: 'Linuxfabrik/lib'
# path: 'lib'
# - name: 'Install python3.12'
# uses: 'actions/setup-python@42375524e23c412d93fb67b49958b491fce71c38' # v5.4.0
# with:
# python-version: '3.12'
# - run: 'python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools'
# # ordered-set is for nuitka: "Nuitka:WARNING: Using very slow fallback for ordered sets, please install 'ordered-set' or 'orderedset' PyPI packages for best Python compile time performance."
# - run: 'python.exe -m pip install --upgrade ordered-set Nuitka Nuitka'
# # install 3rd party libraries for all check plugins
# - run: 'python.exe -m pip install --requirement ${{ github.workspace }}\monitoring-plugins\requirements-windows.txt --require-hashes'
# # info in case of errors
# - run: 'python.exe -m pip list'
# - run: >
# python.exe -m nuitka
# --assume-yes-for-downloads
# --output-dir=C:\nuitka-compile-temp
# --remove-output
# --standalone
# --mingw64
# --include-plugin-directory="${{ github.workspace }}\lib"
# ${{ github.workspace }}\monitoring-plugins\check-plugins\${{ matrix.check }}\${{ matrix.check}}
# - name: 'Upload build output as artifact for zipping'
# uses: 'actions/upload-artifact@65c4c4a1ddee5b72f698fdd19549f0f0fb45cf08' # v4.6.0
# with:
# name: 'nuitka-build-output-${{ matrix.check }}'
# path: 'C:\nuitka-compile-temp\${{ matrix.check }}*'
# windows-package:
# runs-on:
# - 'windows-2025'
# needs:
# - 'build-windows'
# steps:
# - name: 'Harden Runner'
# uses: 'step-security/harden-runner@cb605e52c26070c328afc4562f0b4ada7618a84e' # v2.10.4
# with:
# egress-policy: 'audit'
# - name: 'Configuring MSBuild in the workflow PATH for building .NET Framework applications'
# uses: 'microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2'
# - name: 'Install WiX toolset'
# run: 'dotnet tool install --global wix'
# - name: 'wix --version'
# run: 'wix --version'
# - name: 'Download all artifacts'
# uses: 'actions/download-artifact@fa0a91b85d4f404e444e00e005971372dc801d16' # v4.1.8
# with:
# path: 'C:\artifacts'
# - name: 'Prepare plugins for zipping and packaging'
# shell: 'bash'
# run: |
# cd /c/artifacts
# mkdir /c/output
# for dir in */*/; do
# echo "dir: $dir"
# echo cp -rv $dir* /c/output/
# cp -rv $dir* /c/output/
# done
# - name: 'Upload build output (zip)'
# uses: 'actions/upload-artifact@65c4c4a1ddee5b72f698fdd19549f0f0fb45cf08' # v4.6.0
# with:
# name: ''
# path: 'C:\output\'
# - name: 'Compile .wxs into .msi using WiX v5+'
# run: >
# wix.exe build
# -out C:\output\linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins.msi
# ${{ github.workspace }}\monitoring-plugins\linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins.wxs
# working-directory: .
# - name: 'Upload build output (msi)'
# uses: 'actions/upload-artifact@65c4c4a1ddee5b72f698fdd19549f0f0fb45cf08' # v4.6.0
# with:
# name: 'linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins.msi'
# path: 'C:\output\'